he broke me more

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my uncle bryan is a bitch

I said im not talking abt

that alone

he went against that

he yelled at me

he said im lying

abt depression

and anxiety

he said I don't care

abt my dad

he said I'm just

trying to make

my life easy.

easy he thinks my lifes easy?

its so not easy

he broke me more

my dad was there

he pretended

to be invisible

he didn't back me up

he said nothing

not a word

just sat there

it makes me so mad

so angry

so upset

so depressed

like im nothing

I know bryan doesn't care

does my dad care

bryan broke me more

idk what to do

do I need a restraining order

on bryan?

on my dads whole family?


im too broken

shattered like broken glass

this is my story by sarahWhere stories live. Discover now