Chapter 32 The Right Decision

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"Yes, for most parts, but not everything is the same as it was when it happened the first time. The vanishing cabinet, the apple, the bird dying, it's all happened before. I was forced to complete the exact same task, and this was what I did to complete it with success." Blaise looked up at him with a weird face when he heard 'success'.

"Draco", he said standing up, and finally understood what Draco was saying. "What task were you given?", Blaise said as he crossed his arms.

Draco looked back and forth between his two best friends. He really didn't want to answer that question, but it was probably important that he did. "I had to kill Dumbledore." Pansy huffed in disappointment. "She's the brightest witch of her age. The dark lord choosing her was a genius idea. In this world she's a cold hearted person with no friends. She's isolated herself so easily because there's no one to bring her back to the light. I don't know.." Suddenly he stopped talking.

"What is it, Draco? What do you know?", Pansy asked as she noticed the look on his face.

"There's no way that he's going to keep her around once she's done all his dirty work for him. Once Dumbledore is gone, he's going to kill her. She's muggleborn, and he hates muggleborns with every bone in his cold cruel body."

Nobody spoke for a few moments, but Pansy placed a hand on Draco's shoulder and rubbed her hand in a circular motion. "It's alright. We can think of a way to beat this. Let's just think this through carefully before assuming anything. So, in your world, where this has already happened... Granger was suppose to meet Harry and Ron, become friends, and save the world together?" Draco nodded his head after listening to Pansy's question. "I think I know the final pieces to your puzzle." Pansy raced out of the common room to head straight toward the library.

Pansy was lucky enough to locate the information she was looking for within a day. She sat down with Draco and Blaise in the library during their lunch break. "I think this should answer your question." Pansy opened the book of 'Mysteries Artifacts of the Wizarding World'. "It seems as though this particular item must be the cause of your issues." Pansy pointed to the drawing the golden time turner which stared back at Draco from the book. "It seems clear to me that you remember much of the information from the time period that you are from. You've mentioned that Harry, Ron and Hermione were suppose to meet on the Hogwarts Express on September 1st 1991." Before continuing, Pansy grabbed another book and turned it to the correct page she was looking for. "Now, it took me a bit of time to figure out why that event didn't occur, but I was led to this conclusion."

Draco glanced at the book in conclusion. The page was over a Muggleborn law that took place from the 1930's to the 1950's. "It states that the muggleborn law, a law that required all muggleborn witches and wizards to sit at the back of the Hogwarts Express, ended in 1950. However, it started up again in 1991 when a muggleborn was dragged to the back of the Hogwarts train as punishment. I found this quite ironic since this would be the same day the golden trio were suppose to meet."

Draco and Blaise looked at Pansy with dumbfounded faces as she stated this information to the both of them. "Now, I've had a bit of trouble figuring out why Hermione would willingly become such a powerful death eater that she is today."

That was when Blaise added to the conversation. "Hermione would have needed a great deal of motivation to do such a thing. Becoming a death eater is almost as bad as giving up a wizard's wand."

Pansy nodded at Blaise words. "Which is why I thought back to our last year. I'm not sure what year this would be for Draco, but this would be last year for Blaise and I." Draco watches as Pansy drew in a long breath and slowly released it. "Hermione witnessed her parents being murdered." Pansy felt the need to say no more over the event. "She got close to one particular person last year: Theo Nott."

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