chapter 1

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I woke up in my room with all the drawings my friends gave me hanging everywhere, my colorful skulls all over the black background, clothes everywhere ,and a messy desk. "Man what time is it?" I asked myself as I reached to my night stand looking at my clock which read 9:00a.m. I groaned and climbed my way out of bed, put on my music, got dressed, brushed my teeth, fixed my hair, and packed my school bag. A knock sounded at my door. "Nami, you ready to go yet?" called my best friend from the otherside of my room. "Yes Mike I am. Why are you growing impatient?" I said opening the door after grabbing my bag."Woah! You look great Nami."  Mike hugged me and put his arm around me. "Who would've thought you'd look stunning today." he said as we walked out the house. "You say that a lot, Mike. And every time you want something, so what do you want this time." I glared. He laughed with fear then sighs. "Oh alright. I want you to come hang out tonight at Nate's party. It'll be fun. Besides you need to get out more." he said while we walked to school. "No way. I'm not going to Nate's party tonight. Not happening. Besides Nate doesn't even know I exist." I argued. Then out of nowhere Nate and his friends stopped next to us in Nates car. "Hey Mike why don't you and Nami ride with us. I'm sure Nami doesn't wanna be late again." said Nate. Mike looked at me with his arm still around me and said "Yeah okay. I guess that'll be cool." I glared at him. "Seriously. My boots wanna walk so I'll walk. You can ride with them if you want but I'm not." i began walking off when Mike grabbed my arm. "Ow. Mike let go." I said. Mike looked at me sadly  Nate and his two friends. "You did it again didn't you Nami?" Mike pulled up the sleeves of my hoodie revealing my scares.  "Nami I told you not to do this. What happen?" he scolded me. "I'm sorry Mike. I had to." I said looking away from everyone. I heard a car door open and when i looked over Nate was standing next to Mike with such sorrow in his eyes. "Nami." Nate said. I pulled my arm away and ran in the direction of school while Mike chased after me calling my name.

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