"So you're the last candidate ? Why weren't you the first, Little Lamb ?" Ren asked huskily as he took your hand in his and kissed it without hesitating. 

You blushed a dark shade of red. You weren't use to getting this kind of attention from guys. Let alone from anyone.

"U-Um, well you see.. My ticket blew away in the wind and got caught in a tree.. so I went after it." You replied shyly.

Ren pulled you closer, resting his hand on the small of your back and brought the other to your cheeck, pulling your face closer to his. "There's no need to be shy, Little Lamb."

He looked deep into your eyes, confidence showing in every word he spoke.

"Ren, get off of her." Masato growled sternly. "You're embarrassing her". He walked up to you both and glared daggers into Ren. Ren rolled his eyes as a response and backed off.

"Sorry about that, _____. Now how's about we continue with your audition." Masato smiled genuinely as he ushered you to the stage, where you'll sing.

"Yeah, I'd love to hear your voice." Tokiya said, eager to hear you sing.

You blushed and smiled as everyone sat back down, their anticipation rising as they all waited on you to sing. Even Nanami wanted to hear you, after all, it's been a while.

This is going to be the first time you sing infront of anyone, apart from Nanami and your family. But surprisingly, with Nanami there and with the nice welcoming from everyone, you felt confident enough that you could get through with this. 

"You can do it ______!!" Nanami shouted in reassurance as she smiled your way, love showing in her expression.

You smiled back and nodded.

'Here goes nothing.' 

'Yesterday I died, tomorrow's bleeding. Fall into your sunlight. The future's open wide, beyond believing. To know why, hope dies. Losing what was found, a world so hollow. Suspended in a compromise. The silence of this sound, is soon to follow. Somehow, sundown~"

The sweet whisper of your voice sounded through the room, amazing everyone with the angelic voice you owned. 

Nanami was surprised, she remembered your voice to be exceptionally good, but it gotten better since the last she heard you.

"And finding answers. Is forgetting all of the questions we called home. Passing the graves of the unknown~"

The guys, were more than impressed. They were convinced that you were the one.

"As reason clouds my eyes, with splendor fading. Illusions of the sunlight. And a reflection of a lie, will keep me waiting. With love gone, for so long. And this day's ending. Is the proof of time killing, all faith I know. Know that faith, is all I hold~"

As you sang, everyone fixated their eyes on you in awe. You officially swept them off of their feet. It looked like the cat from earlier that day fancied your voice as well, since he sat by your feet, looking up at you, listening carefully.

"And I've lost who I am, and I can't understand. Why my heart is so broken, rejecting your love, love gone wrong, lifeless words carry on. But I know, all I know, is that the end's beginning. Who I am from the start, take me home to my heart. Let me go and I will run, I will not be silent. All this time I spent in vain, wasted years, wasted gain. All is lost, hope remains, and this war's not over. There's a light, there's the sun, taking all shattered ones. To the place we belong, and his love will conquer all. To the place we belong, and his love will conquer all.~"

You opened your heart completely, allowing your feelings to pour out into every word, expressing how you felt. It was so intense and so real, your eyes watered with tears of emotion daring to emerge.

"Yesterday I died, tomorrow's bleeding. Fall into your sunlight..~"

Everyone remained speechless, analyzing every expression you made. They were all dumbfounded by your astonishing voice. You were absolutely stunning to them, they all secretly wanted you to sing with them forever, instead of singing alongside them only once. Even though this was a competition, they knew at that very moment, everyone was ruled out when compaired to you.

You're exactly what they've been searching for. 


I hope you enjoyed :) I'll try to get Chapter 3 out soon!

The song you sang is called Shattered by Trading Yesterday, it should be by the side here -->

Thank you very much for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2012 ⏰

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