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Two Days Later
Omar P.O.V
The day has come, I wake up to my phone ringing repeatedly. I look at it and I got 33 messages within the last minute from the group chat. Judy said that the bus should be making a first stop at her place at about 8:00 then it come to my house, Gianna's then Landis'.

The time was 7 so I decided to get up and start to pack because I forgot to yesterday. After I brush my teeth I could hear my stomach growl, but I didn't want to make food So I go back to my room and start to throw stuff into my suitcase. I pretty much threw my whole drawer's worth of clothes in there.

Before I knew it the time was 8:15 so I decided to start saying my goodbyes now rather than later. I hug my mom, dad,sisters, and brother goodbye. I walk out the door with the sun beaming into my eyes blinding me for a moment. About a minute or two later I see a large black bus with the word STRANGE on it as if it were some party bus. I walk onto the bus and it was the largest bus I've ever seen, filled with comfy looking chairs and air conditioning which was great.

I saw Judith in the middle of the bus on her phone. "Morning!" I say trying to wake up the near asleep Judy. "What? Oh hey, sorry didn't get much sleep last night. How are you?" Judith asks mid yawn. "Good, but this bus looks beautiful." Judy wasn't hesitant in giving me a slap, "Ow!" I yell in pain from the potentially bruising slap to my arm. "That's what you get for caring about a bus more than your friends well being!" We both laughed it off as we approachied Gianna's house.

You could see Gianna standing outside with her mom and dog Mocca. As Gianna got on the bus you could tell Mocca couldn't deal with the fact that Gonna wasn't gonna be home for 3 months as she jumped and almost yanked Gianna's mom to Gianna. She then gave one final goodbye and got on the bus. She comes down the row of seats to where we were sitting "Hey bishes!" Gianna said sitting down next to Judith. "Why is this bus so big?" Gianna asked looking aroundh at what seemed to be the 10000 seats around us.

I guess the bus driver heard us because from the front of the bus he yelled "There's still about 50 more kids I gotta pick up! So buckle up because it's gonna be a long 4 hours!"

"4 hours?!" That isn't what Mr.Rogers said to us two days ago. "He said it was up north!" Judith said along with another yawn. "You should take a nap." Gianna said bringing her neck pillow out of her suitcase and handing it to Judy. "Thanks but I think I'll sleep later." We then made our way into Landis' neighborhood where he stood in his driveway awaiting the bus.

He got on the bus and had the same exact reaction as we did. "Why..." "There's 50 more kids" Gianna said cutting Landis off.  I go on my phone and search up 'Camp Strange' on google. All that came up was 'Stranger Things'. "What camp doesn't have a  website?" I ask sort of pissed that we couldn't get more information on this place. "I don't know...camps that your principal forces you to go to!" Gianna said with sass. I give her an eye roll and keep searching but couldn't find a thing. 

Slowly kids started to pile onto the bus, and they were louder than an earthquake. "Do these people not know how to shut up!" Landis says covering his ears. Judith was sound asleep through the noise, she didn't seem to move an inch. "What's camp even like?" I asked. Unless you counted family camping trips as "Camp" then I have no experience with this. The buss sons fills up and starts getting louder and louder as we move forward. I then slowly start to drift off into a deep sleep.

2 Hours Later 

I wake up to the sound of bus coming to a screeching halt. I catapult forward along with Landis into the seat in front of us. "What the heck! Where are we!" I say getting up and rubbing my forehead which was in lots of pain. "I guess we're here." Gianna said getting her luggage out of the overhead compartment. We all take our stuff and get off the bus, above us stood a wooden sign saying "Camp Strange" in a large font. A man comes up and greets us "Hello everyone! I'm Joey your camp director!" He says in an energetic way. 

"Weolcime to Camp Strange everyone, first I will assign you to each of your cabins. "Gianna L., Judith L., Omar E.,  and Landis V you guys are in Cabin A, your cabin counselor will be Nick!" A man comes up and waves at us "Come with me." He says with a smile. We follow Nick down to our cabin. "Welcome to your home for the next three months guys! I'm Nick your camp counselor so if you need anything just come to me okay. I gotta go, but I'll see you guys at supper so we can have a formal greeting. 

We wait for Nick to get out of sight, "I call top bunk!" I say running as fast as I could to the ladder connecting the top and bottom bunk. "Oh hell no!" Gianna says running to me and dragging me off the ladder and onto the floor. I get up quickly though and bring her back down along witH me. Meanwhile Landis and Judy already had their minds made up. After our cat fight I eventually got the top bunk which was great. 

We all start to unpack our stuff and out it into the cabinets at the end of the room. After that we each start to personalize our side of the room, I obviously had a Naruto poster with him looking badass as always. Gianna had a poster of the Backstreet Boys from their music video for "Everybody". Judy had her stranger things poster filled with Eleven,Mike,Dustin and the demagorgen. Landis had a poster with a hamburger on it...a hamburger. "Now this feels more like home" Gianna says jumping on her bed, "Totally!" Judith said. 

I started to explore our cabin and in a little table in the corner of the room was a remote. Yes! We didn't have to live like cavemen. I pressed the on button and all of a sudden a T.V moves in the front of the cabin. "What the?! Did I just do that?" O say in shock that a T.V came out of nowhere with just a click of a button. "Is there Netflix?" I ask scrolling through the channels. "Wait? This isn't T.V." 

"Omar what does it say on the remote?" Landis asked 

"Gov. Why?" I say as my ettention turns back to the T.V

"OMAR! THAT MEANS GOVERNMENT!" Landis said jumping off his bed and running up to me. 

"No it's not, what Government T.V has Disney Channel?" I say looking straight at everyone and pointing back at the screen. 

"THATS NOT DISNEY CHANNEL IDIOT, THATS DISNEY'S ANIMATION STUDIOS! THIS IS A SECURITY CAMERA VIEW !" Judy says pacing back and forth as if she were about to burst. 

This couldn't be, I kept schooling through the channels they were all of major landmarks across the country. "The Hollywood Sign, Mount Rushmore, Universal Studios, THE WHITE HOUSE?!! Why is there a view of the White House?!"  I ask frantically searching through the channels to see what other places are being shown. As soon as I finished my sentence however Nick can bursting through the door. I turn off the T.V as fast as possible. "Act natural!" I say running back to my bed. 

"Guys suppers' ready!"Nick says motioning us to follow him out the door. We all put our shoes on and head out the door, it was as if the world had flashed before our eyes. Why did we have sercurity footage of some of the most well known places in the country? We head to the mess hall where dinner (Gruel) was served. After we got our food we sit at a table our plates filled with the white mushy goop substance (Gruel). 

"Is this even food?" I ask poking at what looked like mashed potatoes. "Who cares, we have to eat quickly and head back to the cabin to figure this out." Judy said attempting to take a bite out of the gruel. "Wait, Nick's probably gonna be there! Maybe he's in on the T.V incident, and if he is he can't catch us or else we'll get in trouble. " Landis said taking a large bite if the gruel with a disgusted look on his face. You know something's is bad when LANDIS doesn't even like it. After our meal we headed back to the cabin were there was a lot of figuring out to do.

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