Chapter 1

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"Kismet!" That's my grandma, she probably made breakfast and is calling me downstairs, "Breakfast!"

    I was right. I throw off my fluffy comforter and slip on my favourite pair of fuzzy slippers. Speeding like a car, I race downstairs and attempt to pull my hair into a ponytail on the way down the stairs.

    Pulling out a chair, I greet my family, "Morning Ma, morning Grandma. Pancakes?"

    "Morning sweetie yes, pancakes," My Ma responded as she brushed her hair behind her ear and took a sip of her green tea, "Kismet, did you finish your summer reading?"

    "Yes Ma, I finished my summer reading months ago," I took a bite of my favourite blueberry pancakes, "I told you when I finished it too."

    "Just making sure," My Ma gave a kiss to Pa as he walked in to make his daily cup of coffee, "Are you excited for the first day of school?"

    "I suppose so," I finished my pancakes and fixed my sloppily made ponytail, "Don't have much choice do I?"

    "Now Kismet, don't say that! You might not like school, but where would a strong independent young woman like yourself learn all things you need to learn? Of course, you could drop out of school and never be successful in life, but at least you'd have more time alone on the internet." My mother spoke and took another sip of her tea.

I let out a grunt at the sound of 'young woman', but kept my thoughts to myself. I huffed and chugged my orange juice and ran upstairs. I snagged my phone from my dresser and grabbed some random clothes I picked from the night before, then ran to my bathroom. I tapped the code into my phone (The code just so happens to be 'Jacob' in numbers... What? I like my friends.) and send a text to Jacob. 'Hey dumbo, hit me up.' We're good friends. I received a facetime call while slipping on my bra.

"Hey J! Whatcha doing?" I cheerfully ask while zipping up my jeans.

"Kismet. Do you realise that you texted me while I was in my underwear?" Jacob jokingly questioned sternly.

"Hey, I'm obviously not wearing a shirt right now," I shoot back and pull on some socks then run my hand through my hair, "Don't get excited."

"Ha ha, very funny Kismet," He took a bite of the toast that he was eating, "Hey Kis, are you actually gonna ask out MJ?"

"Mmm, I might," I button up my purple flannel shirt and let my hair out of it's ponytail and started brushing it, "I just don't know what to say to her."

"Kismet! Twenty minutes till the bus comes!" I heard Grandma yell from downstairs.

"Gotta blast J, love ya." I said and gave our classic signing off sign and hung up. I put on light makeup and of course eyeliner. You don't want to see me without my eyeliner. After that, I slipped on my converse and run downstairs just in time to catch the bus. I kissed my family goodbye and grabbed my bookbag and ran to the bus stop.

"Hey Kis!" Jacob called while running up to the bus stop.

"Hey J," I called back while waving, "Excited for a new school year?"

"Yeah, I totally am." He replied with a sarcastic tone.

    "Me too," I spoke and ran a hand through my wavy hair, "And you know my mother, she already lectured me about it." The bus then came and we climbed on and took our usual seats.

"Kis? Could I spend the night at your house?" Jacob asked nervously while running his hand through his scruffy brown hair.

"Yeah, let me ask my Ma," I send her a quick text and she replied speedily with a yes, "You're all clear."

Jacob smiled and took my hand as he often did and spoke, "Thanks Kismet, y'know how much I love you right?"

"Of course, Jacob." I replied with a smile. We sat for the rest of the bus ride holding hands, and chatting about random things like we usually did. The rest of the day was rather boring as I didn't have any classes with Jacob or MJ. Then came lunch. As I was setting my lunch tray down at my usual table, MJ herself sat down next to me.

"So," She shifted in her seat and started playing with a strand of her abnormally long hair, "I heard that you're a pretty good singer. I was thinking that maybe we could team up on the project in choir." My heart skipped a beat at the thought. MJ wanted me to be her partner. Me!

"S-sure," I cringed at my stutter and shifted in my seat, "So, when would we meet up for that?" I could almost see her smile at my flustered state, I'm such an embarrassment.

"Could we meet up tomorrow?" She questioned with an innocent tone while still playing with her hair, making me even more flustered.

"Yeah, sure, totally, tomorrow is absolutely perfect." I spoke while cringing inwardly at my over enthusiasm.

"Great, see you tomorrow." She replied and walked back to her usual table leaving me a flustered mess for Jacob to find.

"Let me guess... MJ?" Jacob questioned with amusement.

"She came and swept my confidence under the rug like broken glass." I replied, still quite in shock. We joked about it for the rest of the lunch period until we had to go to our next classes. My next period was choir and I found out what exactly the 'choir project' was, and I was rather excited to work on it with MJ.

It was the last period of the day when I got called into the office for checkout. I was rather confused about it until I saw that it was my Pa who was picking me up. Panic swept underneath me making the floor sway side to side as Pa tried to help me out the door. The administrators gave me sympathetic looks as Pa had to basically carry me out to the car. Once in the car my lungs started to pump air in and out of me at completely insane rates. My mind raced to remember how to calm myself. Grandma's voice echos in my head, suddenly it flashes back to me. In 3, hold 3, out 3, hold 3. Grandma's advice helps my lungs to calm themselves as my Pa drives to the news that would most likely run my entire life.

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