"That's no familiar, just a yokai! What does he think he's doing bringing a yokai?"

"I recognise her from somewhere!"

"Oh really? Where?"

"I think she's the one that killed off many people, I believe she's called Rogue Hunter. She kills anything in her way, only a few managed to survive if they were lucky enough not to be spotted by her."

"Then he must be insane to bring a rampaging, vicious yokai!"

"Well, not unless he tamed her..."

"Him? Tame a monster like her? Impossible!"

Kyoko didn't react to any of their words, she just kept walking straight ahead, ignoring the glares she was getting from the other familiars. The pair stopped in front of the King of Gods, Takehiko bowed and said "Sorry we're late, we had a bit of a delay."

Delay my ass... Kyoko thought to herself. More like you were too lazy to move. The King said, his voice quite low "I see, well, it's good to see you are safe. I see that you have brought us a... Guest," Kyoko's hand immediately flew to her sword, trying to draw it but only to find that she couldn't. They were still chained up after all.

"Kyoko, stand down. He meant no harm by his words," Takehiko said, Kyoko growled but receded her hand from her sword.

The King laughed, "You have an interesting partner, Takehiko. So, her name is Kyoko. You are aware of who she is, right?"

"Of course, but she is no danger to you. She will obey every word I say," the King raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really?" The King asked, glancing over to Kyoko who was staring out into space. She would rather look into space than look at the ugly mug before her. "Care to... Demonstrate? We don't want to have a rogue in our ranks. We are, after all Gods, and we must have Familiars that aren't a danger to humans. You understand that, right?" Kyoko's right hand immediately flew to her sword's hilt, growling at the King.

I don't like this guy... Kyoko thought. Takehiko said I couldn't kill humans, but he never said I couldn't kill a God. She tugged on the hilt, but of course, it didn't budge. She growled in frustration. "Of course," Takehiko said, before glancing over to the angered yokai. "Kyoko, I order you to sit down at our seat," he pointed over to the empty cushions.

His voice held no order or demand, it was almost like he wanted to let Kyoko decide whether to obey or not. She sighed to herself, receded her movement of trying to attack the king and sat down at her assigned seat. The King said "Will she listen to me?"

"I'm not sure, most likely if I tell her to," Takehiko said, slightly unsure.

Kyoko glared at Takehiko, almost as if she was saying "Don't you dare - if you make that command, you'll be dead." The King looked at Kyoko with interest, before saying "Could you tell her to answer any of my questions?"

Answer what questions? Kyoko thought to herself, confused. "Of course," he flicked his eyes over to Kyoko, who just slightly nodded with a disinterested face. "Ask away, she's prepared."

The King looked at Kyoko with a serious expression, before asking "What are your thoughts at the moment?"

"For you to die in a lake so I can go home," Kyoko replied almost immediately.

Takehiko sweat-dropped, he sorta expected that answer - she is a yokai after all. Everyone else looked at her in disbelief, thinking that she was crazy. The King laughed, and said "Well, that is an interesting answer. Who gave you your name, Kyoko?"

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