Chapter 2

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Leah’s POV:

I was parked in front of their house with tears streaming down my face. Thinking of all my good memories, my frustration started to build up and I punched my dashboard really hard, then I just let the tears spill out even harder. After about two minutes of balling my eyes out I looked in my car mirror and wiped away all of my tear tracks and messed up makeup.  My eyes were all puffy and red, I tried controlling my tears but every 30 seconds some would escape and show how hurt I really felt.  I walked to the front of the pack house and knocked on the large oak door, and when it opened there was a women about 5’4 with blonde hair and dark brown eyes.

“Hi, Sweetie, you must be Leah, my name is Nicole.  I am the Luna- you probably know of me.  You certainly know my Husband, Bill, the Alpha.”  She turned around and I noticed a man that was about 6’3 with jet black hair and bright blue eyes walk up and snake his arm around, Nicole’s waist. 

“I’m Bill.”  His voice was strong and you could tell he was Alpha by the natural demand of respect that seemed to be laced in his voice. 

I looked down at my hands and sheepishly said, “I’m Leah… my parents were your third in com-“ I was cut off,  “Honey, we know who you and your parents are.  We were close to them and they were very good people, who just needed a getaway.”  Nicole said softly as she put her hand on my shoulder giving me a reassuring squeeze and a sympathetic look. 

No matter how many times I see that look, I will never like it.  It meant I was weak and vulnerable and I liked to be neither of those things.  I was always independent and strong on my own, even if I was a quiet person.

“Please come in.”  Bill said holding the door open for me so I could get in with my two bags.  “My son, Jeremy, will show you to your room.”  He looked behind me and yelled, “Jeremy come down here and meet your new house guest!”  Within seconds Jeremy was down the stairs and staring at me like I was poison.

“Son, don’t be rude.  Introduce yourself.”  His mother scolded.  But, then everything went fuzzy and I dropped my bags on the ground.

“What’s happening to her?”  The sexiest deep voice said in almost a growl as a pair of strong arms engulfed my body….then everything went black and I couldn’t see or hear anything else.  All I remember is the smell of cool mint that was in my nose.

Jeremy’s POV

I was in my room with Lexi, when I head my mom call up to me, “Jeremy come down here and meet your new house guest!”  I started to leave my room when Lexi started to whine, “Baby, can’t they wait.”  She walked over to me and ran her hand up and down my arm trying to be seductive.  But, I didn’t have the same pull to her that I would my mate.  I just hope that in time my love for her will be enough to create a bond between us, because I just don’t think I will ever really find me true mate.  I know she is out there, but I’m not a patient person. 

I kissed her forehead and shut the door behind me as I went to go be the gentlemen my parents always taught me to be.  But, that is when I smelt it; a sweet strawberry-vanilla sent that suffocated my nose.  I thought I could die in that smell- where was it coming from?

I almost ran down the stairs and that is when I saw here, ‘MINE!’ was all my wolf had to say for me to know that we found her, our mate.  ‘What are you doing? Go to her you stupid boy!’ 

‘Shut up!  We have Lexi, we can’t just drop her like that.  We promised we would try!’  Stupid wolf always so god damn demanding!

My mom’s voice snapped me out of my inner battle, “Son, don’t be rude.  Introduce yourself.”  That is when I saw her stumble and drop her bags.  I instantly knew something was wrong. 

“What’s happening to her?”  I growled to anyone that would respond to me.  We just found her we can’t watch her in pain or like this!  I saw her stagger again and I wrapped my arms around her as she fell unconscious so she wouldn’t hurt herself by hitting the ground. 

“Son, take her to her room and lie her in bed- we have to talk.  Is this girl your mate?”  My dad used his Alpha tone so I would have to submit to him and answer what he asked of me. 

“Yah, she is.  Now tell me what is wrong with her!”  My wolf was fighting to get out because we could both tell that they were holding something back from us.  I was fighting to keep in control because if my mate wakes up I don’t want her to see me in a rage.

“Go put her in bed and meet me in my office and I think it would be best if you asked Lexi to leave.”  He walked away from me and I met my mom’s gaze which told me that I should listen to what my father said, her eyes almost looked like she was pleading with me. 

“okay”  I whispered as I picked up my mate – who’s name I don’t even know yet!- bridal style and up the stairs to my room.  It was only natural for me to want to be near her.  I opened my door and saw Lexi sitting there shocked. 

“Who’s the whore you dragged in?  I thought we were going to try to make this work?”  Her eyes began to glass over and become watery.  Why couldn’t I use my head sometimes? 

“Lexi, listen to me!”  I was having a war with my wolf over what to do.  He wanted me to tell her to leave and never come back, but I can’t do that.  She was right I told her I would try to make it work.  However, my wolf was right to, this is my mate and I have a duty to love and protect her, it is what fate set up for me.   That was until he heard her words for what they were and he took total control.  I know my eyes must have taken on the bright yellow color that they do when he is in control and you could tell that Lexi was scared. 

“YOU DO NOT CALL HER A WHORE!  SHE IS MY MATE!! MATE!!! NOT YOU!”  Wow he is harsh.  But, he was right.  I just didn’t want him to be because I didn’t want to hurt Lexi the way I knew we were.  With his words said Lexi ran out of the room crying and he gave me my body back.  I placed my mate on the bed and walked out, scolding my wolf for being so harsh, but all I could keep thinking was ‘He’s right’.


Heyy guys!!

Is it good??




Hope you are enjoying!!

-Felecia and Jenna <3

Picture of Jeremy on the side >>>>

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