pablo's {2}

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After I payed the cab ride we entered Pablo's. The place looked really empty maybe 4 or 5 tables were occupied

But it was still early. Our waiter Enzo, Pablo's nephew brought us to our table. It was a little round table with 3 candles on it in the center in different sizes. i loved pablo's for the cozy house feeling that the restaurant had.

Lizzie worked here when she was at college.

 "Here are the menu's" Enzo handed one to each of us "What would you like to drink?" He asks

 " Give use  a bottle of J.P. Cheney rose" Lizzie said

 Enzo walked away to get the bottle while we were scanning  the menu.What would i pick. A salad maybe? ?No I'm drinking wine I need something with more carbs to stay sober. Who knows what else that we are going to do. 

 "Did you make  decision?" lizzie asked

 "Yes" Bee stated and I nodded. Lizzie waved to Enzo to make him come over.He came with the rose wine already cantered and poured our glasses in. He takes the menu's and asked our order.

"I'll have the tuna salad" Bee ordered

 "Tagliatelli Alfredo" Lizzie said

 "Risotto with smoked salmon" I stated.Enzo nodded and toke away the other glasses and went in the kitchen.

 "Well" Bee began "To our night out" And she raise her glass. Liz and I did the same and we clinked to it

 "You know, I'm very curious for the rest of the evening" I turned to Bee. A huge smile curled up her lips and she closes her lips with a imagined key and tosses it away.

 "Lizzie do you know?"

 "It's a surprise,that's all I know" Lizzie said

Looking at Bee with still that smile on her face and her lips pursed together I sighed and took another sip of mine wine. The sweet liquid caressing my tongue and throat  while I swallowed it in.

Bee knowing, it's hard for her to keep a secret I knew she would confess sooner or later. My thought wondered of to this afternoon. I can still hear Ian saying isn't it better to actually see him instead of wondering what he's up too. You're only hurting yourself. My thought were broken by hearing a phone buzzing

 "Who's phone is buzzing" I asked

 "Mine" Lizzie sighed " Ryan is throwing a fit because I'm here without him"

 "Tell him I made the reservation" Bee says "Enzo is long over his crush towards you"

 Oh yeah Enzo had a crush on Lizzie. Ryan wasn't happy about it. He was mad when Lizzie told him that Enzo flirted with her. She had no harm in it. What led to a huge fight between them and gallons on ice cream on her behalf. It was like a week off between them but after a hour they saw each other again, their where already in a make out session. Ryan will always be that bit jealous but that is Ryan for you. He knows Lizzie will never cheat on him.

 "Hi babe" I hear Lizzie say "I told you Bee made the reservation, love you too, bye babe" Lizzie hang up her phone

 "Yay" bee clapped 

 Lizzie and I laughed

 'Food is here ladies" Enzo stated. we just ate our food in silence. Pablo's cooking is so amazing you can only eat it in awe.

"So" Bee broke the silence "Lexi we are going to blindfold you before we are getting to our second location"

 "Only me" I swallowed 

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