long poem

23 1 0

The sky was so blue
as I fell through
the hole in my heart
Which tore me apart

I had trusted them
with my fragile self
and they just brushed me
off their shelf

They look at me with such disdain
this look has caused me so much pain and the tears, they fell like a warm summer rain

And it hurts
so much to see
the ones I trusted
had betrayed me

Who could I trust
through high and low
when even they
would let me go

the answer
I will never know
as my heart
is filled with snow

And so I sit
and rest my case
this is how I Fell From Grace

this is why I quit the race
and as I wander
in this place I wonder
what else will life deface

will it take
my love to give
or will it steal
my life to live

You could say
I'm still standing there
stuck in time
trapped in their stare

In the night you'll
Spout cries and screams
For it will always
haunt your dreams

Oh, you thought this
Was a happy tale
That would cheer you up
Without fail

Well sorry, happiness
ain't for sale
So hurry up and
Kick the pale

Sorry was that
a bit harsh
I'm irritated
And trudging through
a salt marsh

And the salt,
it eats away at my skin
As I suffer
Through thick and thin

And in this worthless
pile of rubble,
I sit and await
the last rebuddle

But now I have friends
Who saved me from sadness
Who will follow me to the ends
Of the earth, and to those people
I owe my gladness

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