The wolf's howl

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*Blackravens' POV* I pricked my years and growled at the sound of a snapping twig. My sharp eyes scanned the forest thoroughly before I continued on through the bushes. I was on my paws one minute and then the next I was swept into the air and thrown to the ground. With a snarl I leapt up and scrambled around to face my attacker.

"Who are you!? What are you doing here!?" The large grey wolf asked with a sharp tone

"Why should I tell you!?" I growled in response as he crept closer

"You have no business here on our land. You must leave!"

"Our land? There are more of you?" I asked with curiosity.

"That is not for you to know, stranger! Leave this place or I must kill you."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed at him "well have fun with that." And backed up slightly.

He growled challengingly and approached me. Just as we were about to let all hell lose a familiar voice sounded from behind me.

"Ashfur stop." Immediately the wolf sat down and bowed his head lightly and I turned around with my jaw on the ground at the wolf I saw before me. "Russetclaw!? Is that really you? I thought you were dead!"

He sighed and nodded. "After the war when willow died I lost a part of my self. I could not come back to the tribe but a miracle happened and I started my own tribe. I must say Blackraven, I never expected any of you to find me."

"Well I'm glad I did Russetclaw, it's great to see you. When you disappeared I had no one to hunt with and it was quite lonely." He smiled but then he started to look worried.

"Blackraven, Why are you here?...alone? Is the east river tribe still ok?"

I sighed, not expecting to have to answer this question to any one because it still hurt. "No Russetclaw. The west river tribe won the territory war and my tribe sent me to find knew places to move to but I haven't had much luck."

Russetclaw's eyes were wide and round with sadness for it was not too long ago that he had to leave the tribe that he so loved. "Well bring them here, my tribe will welcome them warmly." He said with a smile and a huff came from ashfur's direction.

I ignored his huff but I couldn't ignore the fact that the east river tribe was a one week trip there and a one week trip back and on top of that we may have to fight the west tribe off to let us go. That would need a lot of strong, brave wolves to make it there and then come all the way back. "Well Russetclaw I need a bit of rest before we plan out our rescue mission. Do you have any hunt? A simple rabbit should do, as I have already eaten while the sun was high in the sky."

He nodded and jerked his head to the direction of the camp."come Ashfur, let us take Blackraven back to the camp and introduce her to the tribe." Ashfur nodded but shot me a glare as Russetclaw turned around.

As we approached the camp I became very confused. I could smell wolves but I couldn't see them. All I could see was a muddy hill that looked like it was cut in half so you could just see a muddy wall and the giant roots of a tree were wrapped all over the place, guarding a secret entrance that I never would have seen.

"This is where you stay?" I asked, a little bit skeptical of crawling into a dirt hole but I was utterly surprised when I peeked my head inside.

We got inside and instead of it being a dirt tunnel it lead into a giant stone, protective sanctuary. With floors and walls of cool rock and rock piles leading to different tunnels and one tall, stone platform in the middle of the cave.

"Welcome to the tribe of hidden chambers, or as we call it, 'place of secret stones.' We believe that ancestors before us found this cave and put powerful protective forces over it because we haven't had one single death since we have been here. We welcome you to our home and offer you our services to help your tribe." A small group had started to assemble around us and Russetclaw hopped onto the stone platform, calling all the tribe around him and bringing me up to the top with him.

"Tribe of chambers I, your leader Russetclaw have called you to Introduce an old special friend of mine from my previous tribe. She seeks our help in rescuing her tribe mates of the east river tribe from the clutches of the west river tribe."

Growls of anger sounded when they heard of the west river tribe. A few of the wolves here today had escaped from there and Russetclaw had told them of how cruel and ruthless they were. So they were eager to help those in danger of them. I beamed happily as most of the tribe welcomed me warmly and offered me a place to rest and something to eat. I gladly accepted and after saying goodnight to my friend Russetclaw, I drifted into sleep for I knew I had a long day of planning ahead of me.

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