Chapter 2

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Wow. I think this is like the first time I am updating on time! Go me. I’m really not sure about this book so I’m just going to go with the direction I planned in the beginning. Enjoy (:

Chapter 2

Aiden’s POV

I snorted as I heard yet another insult directed at Rose. I should be helping her. Beating the shit out of every idiot that had the audacity to be rude behind her back. But what was the point? None of it was true.

Calculus turned out surprisingly well today. And why you ask? I had Jake to talk to; and Rose to stare at.

She was in the front, this way I could watch her every move. When she pulled that yellow #2 pencil from its position tucked so nicely in her ear. Or when she would almost raise her hand for an answer you knew she knew because, well; she knew everything. My favorite was how she cocked her head to the side when she became engrossed in writing notes.

No, I’m not obsessed or a stalker. She just fascinates me.

When I first got in class Rose wasn’t here yet, so I sat in the very back unknowingly. But ever since I saw her sit in the front desk I’ve been making Jake move up with me. One seat at a time; without the teacher knowing. It was actually quite fun, like some stupid parody of a spy movie.

Now I was directly behind her and my heart was running a marathon. My mission? To discover the color of her freaking hair.

Painfully slowly I reached my hand up to snatch her hood off her head, when she dropped her pencil and bent down to pick it up. I grasped at air.

“Dammit.” I puffed. This was harder than I thought.

I tried again. This time I leaned forward and one…two…three! I caught the end and pulled down hard. I succeeded, but I fell flat on the floor. “Ha!” I said anyway because I would get to see her hair. But when I looked up Mr. Whitman was standing scarily still with a stern look on his face and Rose…..had a beanie on.

After that day in the library, Rose never spoke to me again. She doesn’t even look at me. It’s like we never had that encounter in the first place. But the bad part is; I can’t get her out of my head. Her angelic voice and soft lips. Rose’s bright violet eyes were permanently stuck in my mind. It’s like her image haunted me.

But I did not like her. Not one bit. She was interesting, yes, but not for me.

Rose wasn’t smiling like I thought she would; I mean it was a joke!

She was glaring at me. Just like the way every other person in the school does to her, she was doing to me. I grinned. “Hey Rose,” her perfectly arched eyebrow rose.

“Yes?” Damn…she had a beautiful voice even when she spoke.

But I didn’t let that affect me. “Your hood fell off,” I said cheekily. Rose glared even harder. Luckily the bell rang just as Mr. Whitman was opening his harry mouth.

I gathered my unused things and ran out the door calling a loud cheerful goodbye to the two seething people behind me. I knew I would get in trouble, so why not prolong it as much as possible?

*****    *****   ****   ****   *****

I saw her at exactly 9:51. Not that that matters in anyway.

It was pitch dark this time around and Rose was struggling with 5 huge grocery bags. When I had first moved here I found this amazing mini-super mart near my neighborhood while I was walking. Now I come here all the time. But never have I seen Rose here.

I walked up to her. “So, do you come here often?” Rose was startled; she gasped and dropped 3 bags on the concrete ground.

Rose looked up and gave me a blank stare; like she wasn’t surprised to see me here at all. “Yes, now get lost.” She started walking away.

I hissed, picking up the three forgotten bags and started walking with her. “Such unkind words from such a pretty girl.” I joked.

She wasn’t fazed and kept walking. I realized that I had no idea where we were going.

“So, um….where do you live?” I was staring at her.

Rose answered without turning to face me.  “Brooklyn Halls.”

“I just moved here.” I responded dumbly.

“Its downtown.”  I stopped walking. Rose stopped too. She rolled her eyes. ”What now?”

I didn’t answer; instead I turned around and began the short walk to my house.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Even pissed off, Rose sounded delightful.

I still didn’t answer. Rose was speed walking to keep up with me. “I said where are you going?! My house is that way!” She pointed behind her.

I didn’t answer; I was actually kind of apprehensive. Rose seemed like the violent type and I was sure the only reason she didn’t hit me was because I was carrying her groceries.

Silent and seething Rose followed me home.

“What now?” She asked. We were standing on the front porch, right in front of the door.

Now, we get my car keys and I drive you home.”

Rose scoffed. “I’m not some charity case.”

“No,” I said while lifting my keys out of my pockets to open the front door, “you just needed some charity.”

Rose became quiet. I unlocked the door and pushed it open. The usual small creak was deafening in this silence. I stepped aside.

“You going in?” I asked, squinting in the dark to make out her face.

“No, I-I think I’ll j-just stay here. I’ll stay outside.” Rose had lost her cool.

I went in and quickly grabbed the keys to my hummer. Rose was sitting on the ground. She looked up when she heard me come out.

I sighed and sat down next to her, wanting to talk, but Rose shot up and started walking to the only car in my driveway.

I chuckled at her antics, and but stopped when Rose collapsed on the concrete.

Vote and fan if you are in love with One Direction (: Because I am!

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