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Wynonna sat down at the table across from Waverly and smirked. To say that this was out of Wynonna's character was a lie. To say that Waverly was a bit nervous each time Wynonna did this was also a lie. The truth was, this look was not exactly the best towards whoever was on the receiving end of it.

"Can I help you with something Wynonna?" Waverly asked and Wynonna shook her head. "What is it then?"

"I saw Officer Haught sneaking out of here one morning. Really early, I mean, I don't even know why I was even awake at that time. Any particular reason that she'd have to sneak around here Waverly?" Wynonna asked and Waverly fought the blush rising up from her neck. "What could have been going on that was so bad you had to keep it a secret from even me?"

"Nothing." Waverly said and Wynonna laughed. "What's so funny?"

"I guess you're not with Deputy Dimples, meaning I have the green light to ride her like there's no tomorrow." Wynonna said and this time the blush on Waverly wasn't just embarrassment. "I'm kidding babygirl, you like her, she's yours. But don't think I won't try to grab her first chance I get."

"Wynonna!" Waverly yelled punching her sister playfully. "Sometimes I hate you."

"Sometimes I hate me too." Wynonna said before taking a drink. "But for now, go be with your girlfriend."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2017 ⏰

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