Maybe its just me...

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I feel the love that I want to express to you is overwhelming.

The very thought of it, makes my throat tighten as if im going to choke.

My eyes tear up as if there about to cry,

but I bottle them up and keep them inside.

My mind and body goes numb as emotion forces it way out,

My head begins to hurt, as if my thoughts want to shout.

The mind is flooded with thoughts, heavy enough to destroy reality,

Only those who can withstand the influx, have the the right mentality.

These feelings of love is what others might call soft or weak,

"Knowledge is power" but love is the #1 impulse we seek.

You may feel this way but I can't say for sure,

Love is too strong, I can't hold it back anymore.

I will fight to express my love each and every night,

you will look into others but see that I was right.

If I am to die before I am able to obtain,

rest assured my love will cause us to meet again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2012 ⏰

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