Anthony Trujilo - Visiting

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You exited the plane terminal and looked around for one of your best friends, Jake Paul. You had just landed at LAX airport for the first time, you were visiting your boyfriend Anthony as a birthday surprise from Jake to him. When you saw Jake, you ran over and hugged him, pulling your suitcase behind yourself. "Hey Jake!" you said excitedly.

He smiled at you. "Hey y/n!" he said as he hugged you.

"Thank you so much for doing this," you said as you pulled apart. "It'll mean a lot to Anthony and it means a lot to me, too."

His eyes widened. "You're still dating Anthony? He told me you broke up months ago and you're just close friends now! I ordered him strippers!"

Your eyes widened, and you dropped your suitcase handle. "What?!"

He laughed. I'm just joking, y/n. I know you're not broken up, I ordered zero strippers."

You sighed in relief as you picked up your suitcase. "That's not funny, Jake."

He smiled at you. "It's kind of funny."

>< >< ><

You stood in the front yard of the Team Ten House as Jake went inside to get Anthony. You hadn't seen Anthony in person for a couple months, and despite your being together for a couple years, you were so nervous.

The door opened a moment later and Anthony came out with a blindfold on his face, as Jake led him out to you. "Okay, take off the blindfold," Jake said.

Anthony took off his blindfold, and immediately his eyes widened and he devoured you in a hug. "y/n!" he said excitedly.

"Happy birthday babe," you said as you kissed his cheek and hugged him tightly.

He picked you up and spun you around before letting you out of the hug. "How are you here?!"

"It's all thanks to Jake," you said as you motioned to your blond-haired friend.

"And that isn't all," Jake said as he smiled at the both of you. "y/n, I've been corresponding with your parents. Your belongings are being packed right now to be sent to LA." He took a key out of his pocket and held it out to her. "Welcome to the Team Ten House."

Your eyes widened as you looked at the key. "I-I'm staying?"

He nodded. "You get to stay here with Anthony. Just, don't make out in front of everyone, okay?"

You laughed as you nodded and looked at Anthony. "It looks like I'm staying."

Anthony hugged you tightly again before pressing his lips to yours in a heated, passionate kiss. When he finally pulled away he rested his forehead against yours and said, "this is the best birthday ever."

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