Chapter 1

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This is a prequel to A.Burr
It doesn't matter which one you read first, this book is about how they came to be in a romantic relationship
This story was once 1st person but is now changing to 3rd person. These first few chapters are going to in 1st since I really don't want to go back and edit it. Maybe once I finish this book it will be changed but now chapters 1-4 are in 1st person

Alexander's POV
I sat up in my bed and quickly shut my alarm clock. Why do I still have that thing on? It's the first day of summer! No more school and no more stupid professors.
"Alexander!" I heard Martha yell from the kitchen.
"Yes?" I answered.
"Breakfast is ready now, come down while the food is still hot darling!" She responded.
I got out of bed and put on some decent clothes. A shirt and some sweatpants, it was probably going to be a lazy day so no need to dress up like I'm going somewhere.

I walked down the stairs and sat down at the table. Martha put a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me. I quietly said thank you and started eating. Mr.Washington sat down, too. He had his glasses on and was working on something.
"George stop working and eat your food, darling," Martha said, voice clearly filled with annoyance.
"Sorry dear,but their is some work that needs to be done."
Martha rolled her eyes and handed him his plate,"Oh and Alexander?"
I hummed in response.
She smiled,"A friend of yours stopped by earlier, I think his name was Hercules? Anyways he wanted me to give you this."
She tossed me a letter and sat down with her food and I opened up the letter.

'Dear Hamilton,
You seem pretty cool. I'm going to be hanging out with some of my friends later today, maybe sometime at 2:30 p.m? We're going to be in Central Park. It would be cool if you could come bye sometime! I really want to introduce you to Laurens,Lafayette, and Burr, but mainly Laurens and Laf. Hope you can make there!
Sincerely me,

I smiled a bit and put the letter in my pocket.
George looked at me,"So Alexander, what was that letter of yours about?"
I shrugged,"A friend of mine wants me to meet some of other friends,it's okay if I go to Central Park around sometime at about 2:30 to meet them, right?"
He nodded,"Of course, son. So what do you plan to do for the rest of the summer?"
"I been writing some short stories in my free time, nothing else really?"
Martha smiled,"That's great darling. Maybe you could be a writer someday, huh?"
I cringed a bit,"Yeah, maybe."

After I finished eating I went upstairs and put on some nice clothes, there goes all my plans for a lazy day...
I turned around to see Mulligan with three other boys. One was significantly tall and had a curly man bun with some facial hair, another had an illegal amount of freckles on his face with his curls in a ponytail, and the other caught my attention quick. He didn't have much in the hair department, but oh my did he have a lot to sell in the face department. He had pretty dark eyes and a look of mystery on his face. I couldn't tell what he was feeling, his face managed to not show any emotion what's so ever. Yet it was, enchanting almost?

"Hey Hercules, so uh who are your friends?" I asked.
"We would actually like to know who you are first," Mr.Enchant stated. No emotion in his voice, too. Wow this guy was going to be a hard egg to crack certainly.
Freckles then nudged him on the shoulder and mouthed the words shut up at him.
I cleared my voice,"I'm Alexander Hamilton, I'm at your service, sir."
Man bun smiled,"Hello Alexander! My name is Gilbert, but you may call me Lafayette or Laf for short."
Freckles held his hand up to mine and I reluctantly took it,"I'm John Laurens. It's a pleasure to meet you! Any friend of Herc is a friend of mine."
He let go of my hand and smiled. Wow this guy was cheery, but he seemed like a kind soul.
Next Mr.Enchant introduced himself,"I am Aaron Burr." Wow he must not like talking, kind of dissatisfied, but whatever. Can't always have what you want.
I took a breath,"Well I cannot wait to spend some more time together! How about we all get some ice cream form the that parlor down the street?"
They all nodded in agreement and we all started to walk to parlor.
This will be fun.

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