This is dumb!

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(Y/N) sighed loudly, sitting in a chair in the library, her best friend Saitama groaning as well. They were both piled up to their necks, literally, in homework. "This is dumb! Why is high school so harddd!" (Y/N) yelled. People shushing her was heard quite quickly. "Hmph.. I'd rather be doing something better with my time" (Y/N) pouted. "Yeah, I know" Saitama added. "Oh well.." (Y/N) cracked open her history book and started doing her assignment. "What did you get for number 1?" (Y/N) asked Saitama innocently. "Uh.. you're only on number one?" He replied. "Yeah! So! I'm not smart T-T Don't judge me T-T" (Y/N) whined. The two worked for about 4 hours on their homework. It was close to the school year ending, and their teachers just wanted to torture them by giving them a years worth of homework. Saitama and (Y/N) were both seniors, and they couldn't wait to be done with high school, of course there would be college, but before that it was summer time!

***Time Skip To Summer***
(Y/N) lowered her sunglasses, looking over at Saitama lying in the sun. She strolled over and poked his cheek. "Hey, get up" she said. "Huh?.. why?" Saitama groaned. "Cuz' I wanna go swimming" (Y/N) replied. "Ugh. Fine" Saitama then proceeded to take off his sunglasses and ran to the edge of the pool and jump in, causing a huge splash, getting (Y/N) all wet. "Hey!" (Y/N) yelled. "What? You said you wanted to go swimming~" Saitama said while smirking. "Jerk.." (Y/N) got a running start and jumped on top of Saitama while he was floating on his back. After this they were both asked to leave the pool for causing a ruckus. And so they did, but had a fun summer anyways despite being banned from the pool.

***Time Skip During College***

(Y/N) as she studied for her final exam, she didn't know what she wanted to be, so she didn't have a specific major, but she was still working on it. Saitama opened the door of their dorm and flopped on the couch, he started complaining about how he hated his current job as a cashier. "It's like my manager thinks I'm a super human" Saitama whined. "Oh poor Sai" (Y/N) said half paying attention. "Whatcha working on?" Saitama asked. "Stuff" (Y/N) replied. Saitama frowned and pouted, wishing he could gain (Y/N)'s attention. "Well I'm heading out" Saitama said. "Okay" (Y/N) said.

***Time Skip To When College Is Over***

Saitama and (Y/N) walked on the sidewalk, Saitama sighing "I can't believe they rejected me.." "Hey, come on now Sai, don't be so down!" (Y/N) tried to cheer him up but hugging him tightly "At least you won't have a job you hate.. right?.." she mumbled, for (Y/N) herself was in that situation. "Ah.. right" Saitama said softly. (Y/N) was about to respond till a large crab man came up too them. "Uh.." Saitama looked at the ugly creature, he told (Y/N) to get behind him. "Kesesese!" the crab man laughed. "What do we have here? Someone not running?" the crab man said. "Yeah. I just got rejected from an interview, so the last thing I'm going to do is run." Saitama said sternly. The crab man looked at him with a creepy smile and then walked around him saying something about since Saitama had lifeless eyes he'd let him live or whatever and that he had to find a kid that had a huge butt chin. Saitama and (Y/N) sighed with relief. "That was close.." (Y/N) said. "Yeah.." Saitama chimed in. The two continued walking till they got to a park, it was empty expect for a child with the biggest chin Saitama and (Y/N) had ever seen! "Wait a minute.. that kid must be what the crab guy was talking about!" (Y/N) yelled. "Yeah but.. we shouldn't get involved.. it's none of our business anyways.." Saitama mumbled continuing to walk. (Y/N) hesitated but nodded slowly. "Kesesese!" the crab man laughed and exclaimed to the butt chin kid that he was dead, the crab man took a swipe, expecting the kid to get cut into pieces that was until he realized (Y/N) had dived and saved the child. "Hey! What do you think you're doing trying to kill this kid!" (Y/N) shouted. "He drew nipples on my chest! I have crab arms so how am I supposed to wipe it off! It's in sharpy too!" the crab man yelled. The crab man charged towards (Y/N) till Saitama tackled him, only to get slammed into a tree. The crab man flung (Y/N) away and tried to get the kid till Saitama, now bloody and bruised got back up and jumped on the crab, grabbing his eye and pulling all of his organs right out! Saitama panted and wheezed "Damn.." Saitama fell over. (Y/N) stumbled over. "Hey, Saitama-" (Y/N) coughed up blood "Are you alright?" (Y/N) asked. "Yeah.. yeah.. are you?" Saitama looked up at (Y/N) concerned. "I've been better, but at least we've alive.." (Y/N) wiped some blood from her lip. "Hey (Y/N), I was thinking.. since you have a job you hate, and I don't have a job.. why don't we train and become heros!" Saitama asked her. "Haha" (Y/N) smiled "Yeah, that sounds great!"
And so, the two trained for three years, (Y/N) being three years younger than him was now 22, and Saitama 25, (Y/N) had skipped a few grades, making her able to keep up in school with Saitama. So now they were extremely strong.
(Sorry, still not sure how to end chapters 😅)

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2017 ⏰

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