Chapter 2: New Friends and Broken Feet

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Cali was sitting in her cluttered, claustrophobic little apartment, going through the mail, trying to watch "The Middle", when she got bored and shut off the TV, putting the mail on the tiny wooden coffee table in the living room, and got dressed, her black and pink sneakers on and prepared to go on a walk, in hopes of taking her mind off of things. The canine needed to relax, it's in her nature to be a total worry wart. Who knows, perhaps I'd meet a new friend on the way? the dog thought, making her way towards the entrance of her apartment. Or maybe more little kids will run their sticky hands through my fur?

Cali shut off the lights, locking the door, and began walking outside, the cool evening breeze blowing her bushy ears behind her. She didn't even notice how late it was getting, she just kept walking, trying my best to put the past behind her. The full moon caught her full attention, making the dog pause to sit down and gaze at the stars, finding an empty alley way and trying to locate the constellations. She sat there for half an hour before she heard a car door slam shut, angry mumbling coming from the driver side. Curious, the cavalier decided to follow it, for this car wasn't your average Ford Fusion, it was a red monster truck who's license plate had the word "Gear" on it. This intrigued her a little bit, it's not every day you see a monster truck driving around your town as if it were a minivan. What was this figure, or should I say who? He walked into Soda King, the dog just stopping at the door, afraid to go in, for she might be branded as a stalker, a weirdo. The girl already don't have a lot of friends, messing up a great opportunity to make more is a huge shame. As soon as he came in, he came out with no bag in sight, grumbling even angrier now.

"I can't believe they ran outta root beer!" the figure growled, stomping into the light, revealing his jet black fur and his huge pointy ears, a small little ball of fury. "What kind of soda store doesn't have root beer?" The cat didn't even seem to notice she had opened the door for him, he just trudged straight to his car, obviously having a bad day.

"E-Excuse me, sir?" Cali managed to mumble, trying to chase him down, afraid to let him walk off, in case our paths never cross again.

"Whatdaya want, woman? I haven't got all night!" he snapped at her, causing the pup to shrink into a little ball, filling her in fear.

"I-I just thought you seemed upset and maybe needed to relax a bit?" She stated, though it seemed more like a question since she wasn't exactly too sure it was the right time to speak. He muttered something under his breath, though the canine couldn't be so sure what he said exactly, then looked at her directly, revealing his gorgeous golden eyes.

"Fine, but if this night gets any worse, I'm blaming it on you, dog!" he snarled, taking a seat in his monster truck with the car door unlocked, looking at her with an expectant look.

"Aren't you gonna get in?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at the dog, as if she were a nutcase. Cali got in, blushing embarrassedly, looking down at the spotless car floors for a short moment before small talk began to fill the air.

"What's your name, mister?"

"You can call me Mister Blik, missy. What about you, dog?"

"Please don't call me that, my name is Cali. Doctor Cali Spaniel."

He chuckled, a grin replacing the austere expression on his face.

"Sure you are. Where do you live?" Mister Blik asked, looking at her curiously.

"I live in that apartment building over there..." the canine said hesitantly, a bit uncomfortable telling him where she lived.

"I live in the mansion a few miles from here, I'm sure it's much nicer than that dump you live in, Dr. Spaniel." the black feline stated sarcastically, their eyes meeting for a moment before they stared at the stars together, the sound of a train filling the empty air. She loved that sound, it relaxed her and took my mind off of the troubles she had to bear. They just sat there in total silence until the train was gone, a light smile on both of their faces.

"I can make some root beer for you, if you'd like. My homemade root beer floats could surely turn your day around!" Cali suggested cheerfully, putting her white paw on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I guess I could take you home with me for a little while...unless, you want me to go to your apartment?"

She frowned a bit, knowing how messy her miniature apartment was, it would probably ward away this nice feline that the dog might actually have a chance of being friends with.

"You wouldn't want to go in there, it's chaos inside..." she joked, trying to keep the mood light and entertaining.

"Just as I thought, Dr. Spaniel. My place it is!"

He drove as quickly as he could, her ears flapping in the wind, her body starting to sink into the passenger seat of the car, a high pitched shriek escaping from the mutt's lips. In a quick minute, they arrived at this huge place, somewhat unsure of what to do or say.

"Welcome to my humble abode!" He smiled, guiding her through the mansion before a gray streak flew through the air, causing her to lose her balance and fall on her leg, all of the weight on Cali's body crushing her poor ankle.

"OW!" she shouted out in pain, tears forming from her brown eyes, the pain almost hard to take.

"I think it's broken..." Cali sighed, trying to get up, but failing, falling to the ground again in defeat. The gray figure turned around, a shocked expression on his face, mixed with a small frown, the floppy eared feline walking up to her in guilt. He was taller than Mister Blik, gray stripes on his tail and one of his ears, very lanky and slender.

"I'm super duper sorry, miss! I promise I'll make it up to you!"

"Waffle, you moron! You don't break our house guest's ankles! GO MAKE HER AN ICE CREAM THIS INSTANT! I'm not fooling around!"

The other feline looked at the black cat in sadness, crying as ran to make a bowl of chocolate ice cream, obviously scared of the small raven furred creature.

"Brothers..." he grumbled, looking down at Cali and helping her up, moving the dog into the living room and setting her up on the couch next to a mostly white feline with an orange stub for a tail, a square on his left eye of the same color.

"Who's this, Blikky? 'Yer little girly friend?" the Scottish lump asked, chuckling as he watched one of her favorite shows: "Big Bang Theory".

"No! Just a house guest, you imbecile!" Mister Blik insulted, making himself comfortable on the couch. "Cali, meet Gordon. Gordon, meet Cali."

The other cat shook her paw, his overbite slightly scaring her.

"Hovis! Get an ice pack for Dr. Spaniel's ankle, I'm sure Waffle probably hurt it a whole lot..." Suddenly, a slowly balding black haired butler came with an ice pack, fluffing up the canine's pillow and putting the cold pack on her ankle with an unenthusiastic manner.

"Here you go, your majesty." he sighed sarcastically, going into the kitchen to make a sandwich. Before the black cat could make a comeback, the butler was gone, holding Cali's paw in his, a red blush appearing on her face.

"You should stay here until your foot gets better, you'll be nice and comfy right here by my side, I'm sure of it!"

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