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473 words

Ruby had been in her new apartment for about a week. She had finally moved out from under Granny's roof.

She woke up that Saturday morning with a headache. "Ugh. I didn't even have a drink yesterday." She complained to her self, "It must be those new anti depressants. Sneezy said they could have some weird Side effects."

She got ready for work and headed for the door when she noticed something off. A jacket. A mans jacket.

'Who did I have over last night?' She thought to herself. 'Actually I can't remember anything from yesterday afternoon.' She headed over to her next door neighbor, and also her best friends apartment.

Mable opened the door and pulled her inside. "How was the movie?"


"With you know who!"

"Actually I can't remember a thing. That's why I came over. I didn't drink did I?"

"Nah. You said something about meds thought."

"Oh. Who was the guy anyway?"

"Archie Hopper!" Mable began to laugh.

"Archie? The therapist?"

"Yah. You got dared to ask him to come over for a movie! I can't believe you don't remember this!"

"I think I better head to work." Ruby opened the door and saw Archie walking down the hall. He had an apartment on the same floor. 'Oh crap! Oh crap! What do I do?' "Um hey Archie."

His face started to turn pink. She was sure hers was red by now. "What happened last night? I'm on new meds and I can't remember." She asked embarrassed.

"Um. Well. You invited me over for a movie."

"Was there a kiss?" She was sure her face was burning red over her pale complexion, but she needed to know.

"Oh, well yes. Then I left. It was getting late, so uh." She stuttered over the words.

Then the memories came flooding back.

Flash back

"Archie! Come in for a movie!" She grabbed his hand.

"Well. I guess I can stay for a bit." He followed her into the apartment.

The watched about 59 minutes of the movie before Ruby got up to get some popcorn. Archie had followed. She couldn't reach so he slid past her grabbing the popcorn off the top shelf.

When he turned around she was standing right in front of him. A kiss had happened. She wasn't sure who made the first move.

Then he left.

End of flashback

Ruby reached up touching her lips. Archie must have noticed because he became extremely red. He began to walk towards the stairs when Ruby stopped him.

"Why did you leave last night?"

"I haven't been in a relationship in quite a wile. I'm sure you don't really like me anyway. You where just tired." He forced a smile.

Ruby took a step closed and kissed him. "How about we go out for dinner tonight?"

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