Positive Thinking

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Positive thinking is incomplete without a light. The dark power of negative thinking can be changed in the light. Our thoughts are controlled by our own self, so we have to decide if we want to think positively or negatively.

We have two kinds of seeds, it is considered positive and negative thoughts, it can form the tree of behavior, which determines our attitude and what we say and do.
It depends on us to put our mind-like seeds in the ground. Cautiously with little consciousness we can change it into a beautiful, prickly tree, fragrant with flowers. Thinking positively can diminish every negative thought around us, despair, sorrow and dissatisfaction will disappear and we except positive thinking as happiness.

It depends on us to choose a positive or negative view of this world through life. Example, If we have worn glasses positively, we'd love every person and every person will love others, but we will only downside it by wearing glasses we find negative.

Positivity is the beginning of hope and of faith. Any place that is dark can be lit by a small lamp, the lamp will burn with so much power that she will spread around the area and make the darkness go away in a moment. Likewise hope.

Although negative thinking can destroy positive thinking, positivity will never go away. So when small negative thoughts come to mind positive thoughts can turn into the same thought but in a positive way.

For example, if a student 3 days before a test, comes up with the idea to study, his mind has two responses to the situation, he will either think of how bad he is going to do on the test and how bad the grade will be or think of how well he's going to be on it, and going home to tell his parents he made a 100 on it.

Like me, I was thinking about the STAAR test earlier, as I started thinking of it I came to the horrible thought of doing bad on the algebra part of it.

Positive thinking and negative thinking can effect us in many ways. If we withdraw from our mind, by not thinking at all (that is to say we can't really do that) our control on our own mind will lower a sort of wall and we will start thinking about anything, randomly, positive or negative. With good or bad outcomes ahead.

I hope this has made a big or impact on your thinking today. Your probably thinking wow that was good or wow that was boring, either way you want to think of it I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and thank you for your time.

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