Chapter Nineteen.

Comincia dall'inizio

Hermione was woken by someone shaking her. She opened her eyes and saw Pansy stood over her. "I'm nervous." She admitted. Hermione sat up and looked at her and then at the clock to show it was 5am. She then smiled and got out of bed. "Let's go get some breakfast and we can talk and then get ready."

Hermione and Pansy did just that. They went to go and eat some food and Hermione managed to keep Pansy's mind off the wedding by talking to her about random stuff such as if the defence against the dark arts curse had been broken and whether their new teacher was going to be staying on for longer than a year. Hermione thought that they would. After all it was Voldemort who created it and now he was gone forever.

"Hermione?" Pansy asked nervously. Hermione then turned to her and nodded to show that she was listening. "How the hell am I gonna do this whole day without crying at least 3 times?" She asked and then giggled. Hermione just gasped and shook her head "I thought you was having doubts. You can wear waterproof makeup. We'll enchant your face. That sound weird." Hermione giggled and looked at Pansy who was also just laughing.

Pansy looked in the mirror she was sat in front off and smiled at her friends who were helping her. Ginny was in charge of make up and was doing a simple look for Pansy. Hermione had been ordered to do hair because if she could 'control her hair monster' then she she could do anything as told by Pansy. Luna was helping both the girls out but also keeping Pansy calm. She had the most calming voice and could help Pansy from having a breakdown and going bridezilla.

"Wow." Pansy breathed as she looked in the mirror and looked at herself. She couldn't believe the woman sat in front of her. The girls, along with Pansy's mother and Molly all helped her get into her dress and then moved onto their own stuff. Before long, everyone was all dolled up and ready to go.

 Before long, everyone was all dolled up and ready to go

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They waited at the Weasley's. After finishing all the preparation for the wedding, the girls had apparated very carefully to the wedding and were now waiting for it to begin. Soon enough, the music started and Pansy started her walk down the aisle with the others walking slowly behind. Hermione saw Ron look up as they did and she grinned seeing the look on his face. She was truly happy for all of her friends, including recent ones. They may not have come together the way that she wanted them to but they did and she was thrilled to have found some great people. And she supposed that Draco was a bonus as well. Speaking of Draco, they instantly sat down together as Pansy and Ron got into their positions. "You look amazing." Draco whispered to a blushing Hermione.

"You may now kiss the bride." Kingsley smiled at the newlyweds who instantly embraced each other. Hermione and Draco both stood up and clapped for the new married couple. Pansy was beaming from ear to ear and Ron was clearly the happiest that Hermione had ever seen him.

"I would like to say something." Pansy said as she stood up from her table. They were all gathered in the room and waiting to eat their food before the first dance. "I want to say that most people don't want me to but I want to talk about the law." She said and many of the older guests and even some Hogwarts students gasped at her. "I do. I want to talk about how amazing it has been for me. Because if it wasn't for this law I wouldn't have found the most amazing set of friends and more importantly, my husband. That sounds weird but it's true. This law brought so many people together, people who I would have previously called names. So I would like you to raise your glasses to Unity." She spoke. Hermione raised her champagne and mumbled "Unity." With everyone around her.

She watched as Ron and Pansy moved around the dancefloor and Hermione felt all the stress disappear. Draco walked over and wrapped his arms around her. "We're next." He mumbled. Hermione looked at him and she wasn't stress. "I'm excited." She mumbled before leaning up and kissing his cheek. At this point, the first dance had ended and now others were starting to join the dance floor and as a slow song started playing, Draco started to pull Hermione towards the dance floor as the two started to slow dance with Hermione's hands around Draco's neck and his around her waist.

Later in the evening as people slowly started to retreat, Hermione and Draco joined their friends in some comfier clothes for them to all have a bonfire outside the house. "I can't believe I'm married." Pansy grinned and looked around. Ginny smiled and nodded. "Well you should start believing. Kids will be coming next." She grinned. Pansy nodded "Yep. Either our little twins or something else. Our two years starts pretty much now." She grinned, sounding happy. "This has been one hell of a year." Hermione mumbled as everyone nodded in agreement. "I wouldn't take back a second of it." Blaise spoke, speaking for the first time in a while. "Maybe the part where the Nargles hit you and you was acting really weird." Luna spoke also. Blaise just kissed her head "Yeah maybe. It'll be our big day before we know it." He smiled. Draco nodded "Yeah I can't wait to tell everyone about all your embarrassing moments you have done." He grinned. Blaise rolled his eyes. "Hey your wedding is in two weeks mate. The list has already started" He grinned.

Hermione yawned as she crashed down on Draco's bed at Malfoy Manor. They had chose to stay there for the night and return back to Hogwarts the day after. It also gave them the chance to make sure that some of the final touches were finished for the wedding such as making sure that the food Narcissa had prepared a taster for was perfect and her vision for the garden. "Did you have fun today?" Draco asked as he undid his tie and took off his shirt. Hermione nodded as she sat up. "Yeah so much fun. I can't wait until ours." She grinned as Draco threw her one of his shirts to put on. She hadn't bothered to bring anything for herself but she also loved wearing his clothes. Hermione, with some help from Draco, took off her dress and slid the shirt over her body before laying down on the bed. "Two weeks to go." She grinned, looking at him as Draco pressed a kiss to her lips and smiled.   

Don't know why but this chapter took me so long to write. Anyway that's that wedding out of the way now we all know what the next one is. Thank you for reading. The support on this story blows me away everytime I log into wattpad. We're almost at 30k which is crazy. Thanks again. Don't forget to comment and vote on this story and see you next time for a Dramione wedding. YAY. 

Love you guys. -Alex

Ps. I uploaded a Dramione Oneshots book that I would love it if you could check that one out on my profile. Thank you.

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