Chapter 1: Day 1

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"Alright now, i'm leaving the mansion for vacation," Kanae said, " Now Motz, don't use your roller skates in the house and don't make any huge messes. Beeto, don't set the house on fire trying to make gyoza." Kanae grabbed her suitcase and left the mansion to go to vacation with Sosuke.

"Yahoo!!" Mozart screamed. He was really happy that Kanae was gone so that he could ride around the house in his roller skates. Mozart went over to the railing and jumped on it. He slid, and hit the wall. "Owww..." He moaned.

" Wolf, you can't just jump off the railing of the stairs and just expect to not fall and hurt yourself." Beethoven said to Mozart.

" Then you try doing it." Mozart exclaimed. He was serious. He wanted to see his friend jump off the railing and land perfectly.

"Wolf, i'm not stupid, jumping off the railing will jus-" Mozart pushed Beethoven off the railing. "WHOOAAAAHHH!!!" He slid down, but he didn't fall. He landed on his feet. "Wolf thats not-"

"YOU.JUST.LANDED.ON.YOUR.FEET." Mozart said very slowly. "Didn't you just say that you would hurt yourself if you jumped over it?" Beethoven asked himself about Mozart's question. "Well?" He asked.

" Don't ask any more questions. Lets go do something else. We still have days until the girl comes back." Beethoven said. Mozart looked at Beethoven, and then up at the ceiling.

" Man, I just can't think of anything to do. " Mozart was stumped. Beethoven walked up to Mozart and put his hands on Mozarts cheeks.

" I KNOW WHAT WE CAN DOOO!!!" Beethoven said. He pointed at the kitchen.

" Make coffee? How many coffee beans was it again 50? 100?" Mozart asked Beethoven.

" Its 60 coffee beans and I meant we should make gyoza. GYOZAA!!!" Beethoven exclaimed. Mozart looked at the kitchen again. He agreed to making gyoza and they both went into the kitchen.

" So what kind of gyoza are we making exactly?" Mozart asked. " Is it jet- black harmony? I really love that stuff, it's like crack to me."

"Sure, why not Wolf." Beethoven replied. " I like that stuff too, so let's make it." Beethoven and Mozart started making the jet- black harmony. They put the wrappers and the filling together and put it on the stove. Once it was done, they took it off

" Whoa! It looks amazing! Lu- kun this is the best gyoza i've ever seen us make! " Mozart said ecstatically.

"Wolf, the gyoza is burnt though." Beethoven replied back.

" Exactly Lu- kun, our gyoza sucks. Especially yours. No offense though."

" None taken. Jerk." Beethoven mumbled under his breath. Once Beethoven and Mozart were finished eating their Jet- black harmony gyoza, they went upstairs and into Mozart's bedroom.

" Aahh... well, that was a nice meal, (because neither of them can cook, really) lets take a nap shall we?" Mozart asked.

" Shall we what?" Beethoven replied with a question.

" Sleep together. DUH. It helps me feel safer about staying in my room." Mozart said confidently.

" But, that's kinda-"

" PLUS if I revert back to Hammagon, you will stop me before I start violating animals again."

" Thats tru- wait you were violating animals before???" Beethoven asked very curious.

" Lu- kun... it's a joke... i'm not actually violating animals... Did you actually think that I was violating animals?" Mozart replied.

" Lets think of another topic to think of instead of this topic."

" Instead of talking, lets just get some sleep." Mozart suggested.

" Okay, sounds good." Beethoven and Mozart put their heads together and made their noses touch. It was a very heartfelt moment, and you could see the smiles on each of their faces as they drifted off to sleep...

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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