Chapter Five

Depuis le début

"Then, I believe you." His lips are on mine then, brutally. I grin as his hand pulls back the sheet. I reach for him in the darkness, gasping when his hands grab onto the edge of my nightgown. To get it off, I sit up, raising my arms over my head.

I'm completely bare before him within seconds, not that he can see me. Until, the light beside the bed flickers on. I blink, adjusting to the light, chest heaving. He's on his knees in front of me, in a pair of dark navy briefs, his arm extended towards the lamp. His eyes travel down the length of my body as his arm leaves the nightstand.

I smile, slightly nervous as his eyes avert from my sex to my face. "Sit back against the headboard," he utters, breathing deeply. I do as he says, aroused by the commanding deepness of his voice.

"Lean back and spread your legs."

Oh my- I'm reddening as the seconds tick by. I press my fists into the bed, positioning myself to lean against the headboard. I'm nearly combusting by the look on his face as I open my legs, spreading them apart slowly. I've never had anyone speak to me like this before. I like it. He moves towards me, slowly, smirking, coming closer between them.

I'm hyperventilating when his face stops inches from mine, and his hand moves over my trimmed hair into my sex. I close my eyes, moaning. His lips graze mine but don't go any further. I only feel his breath.

"Were you thinking of me before I came in here?"

I nod, moaning as his fingers glide through my excitement slowly.

"Were you touching yourself?"

I'm on fire. My cheeks are on fire. I nod, chuckling nervously as my body trembles in response to the circular motion he's starting on the most sensitive part of me. His free hand clasps my neck then as his lips meet mine, gently at first and then deeper, his tongue diving against mine.

I moan, shaken to my core as his lips descend from my mouth, onto my heaving chest. His lips caress my nipple gently as his hand rests on my hip, thrusting my body forward towards him. His lips suck and bite and tease. My hands are extended, clasping onto the top of the headboard, holding me upright.

"Fuck," I whisper as his mouth drifts even lower, his tongue darting just below the base of my belly button. He bends down then, eye length with the evidence of the arousal. I stare down at him, feeling wildly sexual right now.

I myself have never been a sexual woman, but damn, right now, I feel sexy. I feel how much he wants me. His hands clasp my thighs as his tongue runs slowly over my slit. I call out, trembling, clasping onto the headboard tightly.

I'm ridiculously close. So close it's painful. I hum as his perfect lips cover the small nub, suckling gently.

"Let me hear you," he utters, knowing what he's doing to me. Every time his eyes flicker to appraise my features, I feel the scorching ache in my ovaries. I close my eyes as my body begins to shake, feeling my nerves building.

"Oh god," I breathe. "Oh, fuck. Don't stop."

He doesn't. In fact, his tongue begins to move faster, intended upon one spot, expertly. My hands slip from the headboard, sweaty as I come apart under his mouth, unable to hold myself up. It's too much.

I'm loud, unable to stay discreet, another first for me. I can't breathe for what feels like minutes. When I finally feel my body relax, my eyes opening slowly, I feel his lips on the inside of my thigh.

"Henry," I breathe, with wanting. I reach out, trying to grasp his shoulders. He moves up then, and we grasp each others faces at the same time, crushing our mouths together. Our teeth clash, violently as I grasp the waistband of his briefs, pulling down readily. I want him now.

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