The past is the past. Nevermore.

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The past is the past. Nevermore.

The girl smiled at her phone. The boy was finally talking to her again. She ignored the painful grip on her heart as she replied.

If only she could hear that smooth voice, the one that haunts her every hour, just one more time.

The boy was his usual self, going on about how glad he was to be single again. She smiled softly typing back something about how she'd been single since they met.

He must be pretty happy, she thought to herself, I missed talking to him.

The boy laughed at her jokes, saying something about knowing she didn't hate him.

After some by the by chatter she thought she would ask. The question she disliked. Asking that is. It made her feel empty and anxious.

"Do you still like me?" She typed, then shook her head, choosing to change it to something less... Well... Less that.

"You know I still like you, right? Do you like me in the same way I like you?" Satisfied she sent the message. Sitting back the girl nervously waited for a reply.

Her heart seemed to have torn from her chest, her hands going numb as she sadly read the message.

"I used to, but I guess we kinda drifted away... Sorry." The boy had sent the message that would stop her from living. That final release... The hand letting go.

The phone fell as she curled in on herself, waiting for the tears to come. After a few moments she looked up, no tears on her cheeks.

"It's fine. :)" she typed, letting out a breath she hadn't notice she was holding.

Then the tears fell.

Warm and soft on her cheeks.

Just like his hands.

The inevitable collapse

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