Chapter 10: Beorn

Start from the beginning

My blood boiled. She did what?!

I still care for you Oak.

"Will she be ok?" I ask worried.

Gandalf side glances to me. "Thorin Oakenshield, you should know that LeeLayla is a very strong young lady and will not give up. So yes, I believe she will be ok once the poison is gone. After, she will heal slowly but affectively."

I look back down to LeeLayla, who looks practically almost peaceful ... to me she looks beautiful. Even of she is almost dead.

Why did she have to endure this?

Oh Lee, please please don't die on me!, I think pleadingly to her, not now, not ever! I can't live if that happened!

We all reach the bottom of the Carrock until we hear a noise. It was a loud roar coming from our side... a wargs growl... and it was close.

"What do we do? What do we do?!". stressed Bofur.

Everyone shifted uncomfortably until Bilbo spoke up. "I am going to go check what's out there, be right back." He scurries off up a mountain path an we wait for two minuets until he comes scurrying back.

"How close is the pack?" I ask.

"Too close! And that's not the only problem."

"What? Did they see you?" asks Gandalf now.

"No, they didn't, but-"

"Ah, see? What did I tell you? Quiet as a mouse!"

The dwarves murmur in delight among themselves while Bilbo had a very annoyed look on his face. "Would you just listen?!" he snaps. "I'm telling you, there is something else out there!"

"Did it take the form of a large bear?" says Gandalf with his eyebrow raised.

"Yes-" starts Bilbo, then pauses and looks at Gandalf with surprise. "Yes, yes it did. What is that?"

"That is our host," explains Gandalf. "I explained this to Thorin, but I will explain it again. His name is Beorn, and he is a skin-changer. The bear can be quite lethal, but the man can be reasoned with."

"Friend or foe?" asks Dwalin.

"None. He will either help us, or rather kill us if he is to think that we injured her," said Gandalf pointing to LeeLayla.

"What choice to we have?" I grumble.

The loud roar helps my question be answered. "None," says Gandalf, "RUN!"

We all run through a thick green forest, me in the back making sure that nobody gets left behind. There is another roar and Bomber stops, looking back in fear. "Come on Bombur!" I say, pulling him along.

We keep running... with Bombur surpassing all of us... until we reach a small little log house. Reaching the front door, I find that the door is locked. Dwalin walks up and pulls the wooden lock up and pushes the door open, closing it fast as soon as we are all in. Ori puts his ear to the door. "It's gone!" he exclaims.

"Get away from there! It's not natural, nine of it! It's obvious; he's under some enchantment of some sort," said Dori looking up at Gandalf with a smug look on his face.

Gandalf was about to speak until the back door swung wide open, and a man stepped through. He had light brown skin that almost looked tan in the sunlight, while his thick, black bushy hair starting from his chin to his head traveled all the way down to the small of his back. He wore a somewhat brown leather vest with no shirt underneath, long black pants that a part was covered by his black boots. His eyes were a deepening brown, his voice even deeper.

"Who are you?" he asked, and his eyes widens when they trailed to LeeLayla. "Why happened to her?!"

"A blade... of poison," I respond with a hollow voice, "I swear to you I did not hurt her."

He looks at me for a minuet and then nods his head. "Being her to the room," he said, "if my little Princess was traveling with you, then I welcome thee."

I nodded my thanks and followed Beorn with Fili and Kili to the huge master bedroom, and laid LeeLayla gently on the king sized bed. Beorn looked at the open wound, removing the remainder of clothing from her upper body... or tried to. I put my hand out, suddenly protective of LeeLayla and said, "I do not think it would be wise to remove everything except her right shoulder sleeve."

Beorn hesitates, then nods and does what I say. I swear to Mahal I saw him smirk at my comment.

LeeLayla's shoulder was now bare, but with more blood covering her shoulder. "I need Kingsfoil, and fast. You there, there is a green herb on the table, go fetch it. And be swift!" said Beorn. Fili nodded fast and ran off, returning only two minuets later with the Kingsfoil. "Wizard, you are the only one who has the power to heal her. The rest of you will have to hold her down, this might cause her pain in her wound."

Gandalf nodded and started to chant in elvish, he then put the Kingsfoil on her wound. LeeLayla mumble a bit, then screamed in pain as Gandalf dug into her wound. I put my hands on each of her wrist to pin her down, -Fili and Kili taking one leg each- until finally, the poison was gone.

"Thank the Valar," breathed Gandalf.

"Her wounds must be cleaned. I will stay here and tend to her, the rest of you go get rest," said Beorn.

"No," I say strictly, "I will not abandon her."

"She is weak, you cannot stay here."

"I will not leave her in this moment of need! She never left me at the Carrock and I plan to do the same!"

"Uncle," said Kili calmly, "Beorn is right, we will stay here and watch her. At the first sound of her arising, you will know."

I stayed silent, but soon I nodded. Grabbing them both by the shoulders, I say, "Thank you."

They smirk and I leave the room, only to walk the the next one. Collapsing on the bed, I grab my Oakenshield and stare at it thoughtfully.

LeeLayla, she got this.

"Oh Lee," I whisper to myself, "I am so sorry."

With that, I pull it close and pass out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2014 ⏰

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