Chapter 2: The bitchy roommate...

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Following him to get my things I see Benny scowling. "Hey Benny, how are you?" Rick asks.

"Could be better. But I guess I will just enjoy myself while I have the apartment all to myself. You know, bringing my dates over, having some fun." Smirking at him.

He doesn't respond. They just glare at one another. "What is wrong with the two of you? I know you joke around at times, but this?" Pointing at each of them wondering what is wrong.

"Ask your boyfriend." Turning on her heels Benny stomps off towards her bedroom. A second later the slam of her bedroom door causes me to jump in surprise.

"What does she mean by that?" I glance up at him. Maybe he can shed a light to her attitude?

"Let's go get your luggage. We are going to be late." Being monotone ignoring my question. He sounds mad.

Reaching my room, I grab my carryon bag while he picks up my suitcase. He still has not said a word to me. I was going to say something, but I really did not want us to go on vacation in a bad mood.

I decide to say bye to Benny. Just because she ss in a crappy mood does not mean that I am going to leave for a week and not say goodbye.

Stopping in front of her bedroom door I knock. Rick stops giving me a questionable look. "I will meet you out in the hallway." Pursing his lips he nods and continues walking down the hallway.

Benny opens her door. "I did not want to not say goodbye before I leave."

"Have a great time." She responds dryly.

Sighing I continue to speak. "Look Benny. I am not sure what is going on with you and Rick. He did not say anything to me when I asked, and it seems like you are not in the mood to tell me either. So, whatever it is, I hope you do tell me when I get back. We are friends and if he said something to you that-."

"It's nothing Eva. I am just in a bitchy mood and took it out on you both. I am sorry. I guess I am still trying to get over Chris and seeing you going away to celebrate your anniversary... well, it just reminded me that I am alone for now." Explaining her lash out which in a way makes sense. 

"Sorry that you feel like that. But don't worry, you will find someone else. He was a jerk anyways. You deserve better."

"I guess. Anyways, you better leave before you guys are really late." Bringing me in for a hug, I hug her back.

"Alright, take care of yourself this week and I will see you when we get back. Behave yourself." 

"Yes mom." Whining playfully.

"Bye hon." Waving bye I turn to leave to meet Rick outside.

Closing the door behind me I see Rick leaning against the wall. "Did you say bye?"

"I did. She apologized for her bitchiness. She said it was due to her breakup with Chris." 

"They broke up months ago." 

"I know. Guess she misses him." Shrugging because I know that she really liked him.

"Mhmm." He hums in response not saying anything else.

Reaching the elevator, Rick presses the button to go down. We didn't speak. I could tell he was in deep thought about something.

A few minutes later we hear a ping and the elevator doors open. I had been looking down on the ground then look up once the doors open. A small gasp of surprise leaves my mouth when I see the person stepping out of the elevator. He was smiling widely at me.

"Hello neighbor. Nice seeing you again."


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Hello everyone, hope you are all doing well. Want to wish you all a very Happy Mother's Day to my readers who are Moms and to my younger readers, I hope you love and treat your Mom with Love.

Hope you liked the Chapter. The story will develop more in the next few Chapters so just wait on it. Been wanting to write this story for a while since I needed something new.

Thanks for Reading, Voting and Commenting.

Have a great rest of your weekend and be safe! Good luck to all of you who are doing Finals or did them already.

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