Chapter 1

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Artemis Black had just arrived to the 9 1/4 platform. She was firmly gripping her twin's hand, Sirius Black. Her eyes moved across the room, watching every single detail. She watched as her parents, Walburga and Orion Black, glared at everyone who wasn't a pureblood. Since they were 8, both Sirius and Artemis had begun questioning their parents teachings. They would often wonder why were purebloods better than halfbloods or muggleborns. Since birth, Sirius and Artemis had been inseparateable. If it hadn't been for the fact that one was a boy and the other, a girl, you wouldn't be able to see any difference in them. They both had brown unruly hair, althought Artemis's was lighter, steel gray eyes and a line of freckels dusting their cheeks. Once they'd started questioning their parent's words, they had stopped receiving any form of love from them. Their parents even used the cruciatus curse on them, quite often actually. As Sirius and Artemis boarded the Hogwarts Express, Artemis wondered what would happen to their little brother, Regulus, who now didn't had anyone to protect him against their parents. "Come on" said Sirius"let's go find a compartment". At the end of the train, they found an almost empty compartment, except for two boys. One with brown hair and hazel eyes, the other with dirty blond hair and honey-colored eyes, a scar visible in his face, fallowed by the ones on his arms."Blimey" wondered Artemis"I wonder what that kid does on his spare time."

"Mind if we sit here?" she asked. "Not at all" responded the blond haired boy. " I'm Sirius Black and this is my twinny, Artemis." Artemis glared at Sirius when he called her twinny. The other two chuckeled as Sirius cowered away. " I'm James Potter" said the brown haired guy"and this is Remus Lupin". An uncomfortable silence fell upon them, no one knowing what to say. "So" said Artemis breaking the silence" do you guys like pranks?" she asked, smirking. The others smiled, their eyes shinning with mischief.

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