Cute little intro :3

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Hey~ Guang Hong Ji here. So you guys want to know about Leo huh~? Well...Leo is kinda, you know...HOT and he's soooo sex-

Phichit: Okay i think you said enough here Ji...

Guang Hong: Phichit!!! What was that for? I was just about to get into more details! *mumbles* *whining*

Phichit: *Clears throat* Anyways, I'm about to tell you guys how Leo and Guang Hong met. Once upon a time, in a long long LOOOOON-

Yurio: Ahhhhhhhh shut up and get on with it Thailand!!

JJ: Chill Yuri. A love story like this takes time to tell so shhhhhh and be quit "blondie"

Yurio: How dare you call me that you little fuc-

Chris: *Yawn* JJ is right, a love story takes time. So lets just take it slow and enjoy ourself

Victor: Yuuri~Can you get us more popcorn please~

Yuuri: Victor you already ate too much popcorn. Maybe later

Victor: But Yuuri~ I want some now! Please *Puppy dog eyes at Yuuri*

Yuuri: *Sigh* Fine

Victor: Thanks love~

Yuuri: *Sigh* yeah yeah whatever

Seung gil: *Yawn*

Phichit: Seungiiiii~ Are you already bored~?

Seung gil: *Light blush*

Otabek: *Sitting and waiting*

Yurio: Fucking taking to long *Checking on phone*

Otabek: You wanna go outside for a while Yuri?

Yurio: Ah no no its fine Bek *Turns away* *Light blush*

Guang Hong: OKAY!!!!!!! This story is about me and Leo and how we met~<3

Phichit: Young love~*sigh*

Yurio: Ew

Victor: Yuuri~ Remember the first time we met? *sigh*

Yuuri: God damn Victor....

Guang Hong: Okay so the story begins.....

Next time *3* I'm sorry for leaving a cliff hanger. I'll try to write another chapter somewhere in this week if not then i am very sorry. Bye~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2018 ⏰

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