Not So Human

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Okay so I just found out that I am not human. Like what the heck! I live on Earth right I mean come on I didn't even know not being human was an option, besides being and animal or a plan, I am very positive I am not a plant or animal. I look human and act human, why am I not human! Like what?

So this is how it started. My family and I are getting ready to go on a vacation and we were going to Costa Rica. So we plan a day to get passports and so we have to get birth certificates and my parents pull out everything we need for my two brothers and I to get passports.

The day I was came home from school and I find my parents talking in private, so me being me just has to find out what is so secret. I peek over the couch and see my birth certificate and I read it and it says "Mikaela Anabeth Pond". Out of surprise I gasp very loudly. My mom jumps and my dad yelped. 'really dad, a yelp'. So first that is not my name. Well it is Mikaela Ann which is close enough but Pond? Not my last name, it's Williams if you were wondering.

So my parents sit me down because I can't keep my big mouth shut. I start us off sense I hate when I get trapped under their lecture. "So why did you lie about my name being Mikaela Ann Williams when it is obviously not?"

My mom answered, "Honey, we did not lie we were going to wait for the time to tell you, you are adopted. And it would have worked out fine because we were going to tell you this afternoon if you were not eavesdropping."

"Don't turn it on me mom I am fifteen you could have told me last year it would have been fine," I announced again being blamed for everything.

"Well you know now so what does it matter," my dad piped in.

"It does matter. I want to know who my parents are," I demanded.

"See this is why we didn't want to tell you. We are your parents and we love you so this all doesn't matter. Please don't ruin our trip honey!" my mom pleaded.

"Not everything is about you. I want to know everything about me. Now! I guess I will learn more about heritage and my parents after the trip," I agreed knowing my mom would have a melt down if I ruined her perfect family trip.

"Honey can we talk about it later please just go do your homework," my mom said trying to get out of it.

"There is no homework cause it's finals week mom, I just finished up in history and every other teacher is being nice and letting us take a break without homework," I said, I'm so happy it's true. Eighth grade finals are easy just not eighth grade projects.

"Can I just give you the adoption center and you can do research on the computer"


That was nice I guess. So I went on my Mac and searched their website. I found a number and called. Then it told me to call another number and that one put me on hold, I told the woman I was adopted there and wanted to know my history. The lady got annoyed and transferred me to another line. 'What nice people' Ugh, I was still scrolling down the web site when I saw a volunteer page. Maybe if I volunteer I can get close to the people and maybe get my file, okay I am not that deceiving I do love children. It's not creepy, just think that if children grow up wrong they might become murderers. And that's terrible they might put us, when we are old, on like Obama Care, or something worse, who knows. So I think if I influence the children then they will think more like me and I will be able to die happy.

So I sign up and a different woman comes on "We have had this many times, a child finds out they were adopted and they want to find their parents. Well you won't be able to. You need the parents that adopted you to fill out some paperwork and set up an appointment that might take awhile and your birth parents might have already signed something saying they don't want you to contact them so sorry," are all the people at this place annoyed?

"Oh excuse me I actually wanted to know about the volunteering, are there camps? Art? Music? Dance? School subjects? And how long do you have to commit? When can I start?" I ask realizing in her annoyance rage that I might as well get something out of the long wait on the phone if I'm not going to find out about me.

"Oh well I thought you wanted to..."

"Nope just want to volunteer!"

"You don't want to try to find out your birth parents?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Well absolutely not. You can't anyway."

"Exactly. So about that volunteering?"

"Well yes of course just sign up on the website, give us the commitment dates and email it to us. You may want to say you talked to Betty so you will get a better chance getting recognized"

'Ha Betty what a basic name, I bet her parents put lots of time to think about that!'

"Excuse me do you have something to say about my name?"

"Oh... no... umm... I was wondering, do you get a lot of volunteers? Is there a chance I might not get recognized?"

"Umm... Actually we don't. Not many people want to work with troubled children who really just need parents who love them."

"Awww! I will love them! Well get ready to see me around because I will sign up soon and be there!"

"Oh...Joy! Goodbye."

She didn't sound that joyful! Oh don't you love sarcastic annoyed foster care workers! Gosh!



Hey! I don't really know what to say here but sorry for the mistakes. I read through it after a long time and I found stupid mistakes but hope you like it! Bye! Oh By The Way VOTE COMMENT AND READ YEAH! Okay. Now Good-Bye!

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