
Robin's POV

Why Megan always thinkin she my monma or sum , that's disrespectful she always comin at my damn life wrong. Like chill out, I kno I can get outta hand or watever but still don't disrespect me. Yea I took dat nigga wallet so I can buy shit ,but dat ain't gon happen since he checked it. "Where my visa?" August asked lookin thru is wallet. He looked back at Megan and she turned around to me. "u took his card.?" she whispered asked. I mean yea she gave me tha wallet so I took what I needed. "hell yea" I whispered back. She thru her hands up. She stepped aside signaling me to give him his shit back. I reached into my bra & grabbed it.I was lookin down cuse that shit is embarrassing ,I got caught for stealing. "my bad " I said. " u good." he said back . I walked back to whee Megan was at. I guess we about to go -_- this hoe always wanna leave.

"y'all ain't staying." a voice said.

we both turned around and I seen a fine light skin dude with tattoos all ova his body sittin down. He was tha one that asked that.

"we got things to do." Megan lied. Now this bitch know she wanna hang out wit August and his crew. like who wouldn't tho. "u got shit to do, I dont" I looked over to her and said. "u gotta performance tomorrow." she reminded me. " yeaa u right" she said shaking my head. Maybe next time right.?

Megan & I moved away from the door wen a man walked into tha room. "hey ladies , how u doing." He said giving each of us handshakes. "hey Ford, this my friend Robin." Megan smiled. I guess dis August's manager. "hi , I'm good" Ion fucks with fake black folks& he look like one. "U gotta full house." He walked over and sat in one of the chairs. August shook his head. "yea it's gettin crowded." he smirked over to Megan. Is this nigga flirting or nah? "That's our que" Megan said "I 'll see ya next week for practice Ford" She said walkin out with a attitude. "see ya lata , nice meetin yall, don't mind ha she just up set." I sat waving to er'body. Megan came back & yanked my arm into tha hallway.

"& ur problem is?" I asked her mad ass. I swear this hoe is always changing her moods.

"u saw how he just dismissed us, like nigga we was gon leave anyways. Don't know body wanna stay in dat little ass studio anyways. " she smacked her lips. "Shiid I did" I said raising my head laughing. She shot me a look. "August Alsina but tha studio is small & shit. dat nigga is a mess, he lucky I ain't gon call Cameron cuse he would say dats hella disrespectful & put a bullet to him.... like did u see that." She complained til we reached the car, this hoe doing to much. I asked one question & ha ass gave me a story, nope not gonna accept.

"it's not dat serious" I said gettin into the car. She turned on tha car & we left da studio.

"Wat we doin fo ya 21st.?" I asked tryin to calm down the mood.

"eat ,sleep , & shit." she said laughing "naw but frl , I wanna go to Cali , or Florida , somewher wit a beach." she told me.That sounds hella nice tho I could use a vacation. "yaas do it." I suggested.


The next day

August POV

I woke up in my bedroom feelin hella blessed. That hangover finally cleared up , all day yesterday I was tryin to make it go away , but all it needed was time. I ain't gon get like that for awhile maybe a few drinks but not dat many. I need to go head to the studio by myself cuse da Otha day a nigga couldn't get nun down wit er'body der, I thought they'll help me out, but I was wrong. I can't believe I tried to talk to Megan wen we was at MC, Terion told me I tired to talk to her wen I was drunk. She ain't ugly or nun she just seem to up tight, well dats what I get from her vibe.

Hold You Down (August Alsina Story)(editing)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum