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My parents were always upset about their past, but they would always make the stories they told me so exciting. I knew that it wasn't always that happy when they would bring up a touchy subject with each other. It was awkward having to get used to have two younger brothers too. They were identical twins the bigger one was Jr. While the smaller one was Ray. My mom was a Biochemical Researcher, and she was working on something top secret. Well she had to go over seas to present her findings, and as she got off the plane and to her taxi she was shot. The local police found her body in the water and thought she drowned only to see that she was shot in the chest they called my daddy to tell him the news. "Daddy," I said quietly," What's wrong?" All he said was,"Mom". That's when I understood what happened mommy wasn't coming home.
Our dad soon took is to out cabin in the woods. We spent the next 5 years learning how to defend ourselves. I had new scars up and down my arms from how hard my training was. I'm about 15 at this time and the boys are 6. My father would always say that family is something youshould put above all else. Be told me to protect them no matter what. Well one day we were running low on good so I told dad that I would run to town to get some groceries. But he said no that be would get them. I just said alright, and he went to town to get what we needed. As he walked out he was shot. The police called the house to tell me what was going on. I dropped the phone and ran straight to the hospital my father was taken to, but I was too late. We had the funeral about two weeks later. I couldn't stand tinhear people trying to offer their false pity. So I left the room. As they were closing my father's coffin I couldn't look at them do it. Every one left as the people began to bury him. I stated til he was completely covered. My grandmother came over to comfort only to gasp at the right happening in front of her. My hair went from a beautiful brown to snow white. My hazel grey eyes went to a deep crimson. I swore that day no matter what I would protect my brothers. Even of it meant my life. I kept this promise, but one day changed every thing.

This is what you looked like when you were little

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This is what you looked like when you were little.

This is what you looked like when you were little

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This is what you look like when you change.

A/N. I finally got this out. Sorry I've been a little side tracked just lost two family members at once and I'm still recovering from the shock. But I hope you like the story so far. Thanks again
Ali out

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