Meeting Stacey

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Crizy and Rus enter the school "WOW IS SO BIG" said Crizy "HA! that's what she said" Styan screamed laughing her ass off. While Crizy and Rus and stared at her, "Come on let's just go ins--" Rus cut himself with a high pitch scream. evenone spotted and stared then laughter filled the school, It felt like the hole world was laughing at Rus. Rus's face fluttered with embarrassment "hehe If I knew you were going to scream I wouldn't have tap you're shoulder" said a girl with long brown hair, green eyes, black crop top, purple leather jacket and black jeans. "oh hey sis" said Styan puting her arm on the girls shoulder "oh, hi I'm Crizy and you" said Crizy with a smile "my name is Stacey, oh and what do you two think of murder?" She asked with a smirk on her face "Sorry my sis can be a bi-" Styan was cut off "I wouldn't mind depending on the situation I guess" Crizy said with a nervous but still cheerful face, Rus stared at Crizy nervously, Crizy noticed Rus and said "Come on I'm just playing, chill hehe" he hugged Rus, some group of girls giggled looking at them."C-Criz please let go" said Rus slightly blushing. Crizy let go of Rus and Stacey said "Welp I'm gonna go murder people. I mean help my friend Ash." She ran away. "well that was something" said Rus "we should get our schedules" Styan said "oh, okay lead the way" said Crizy holding Rus's hand since his shades are so dark, so that no one can see his eyes. "hey Criz slow down" "s-sorry Rus, I'm just so excited,hehe" "ok, here we are" "wow, hey how do you know where to go" Rus said baffled " um, I guessed, hehe"

sorry I took so long I was being lazy.......I hope you are like reading this. and sorry it took so long, if everyone is reading this......well biy my lovelies. (>w0)

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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