The Hunt

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Deans P.O.V

I awoke with the smell of stale beer and burgers being waved in my face. Sam drops the food and drinks on my chest when he realizes that I'm awake. Don't mind if I do, I say to myself as Sam starts the sweet sound of the impala's engine. Automatically it rears to life, and Sam runs his blood stained fingers through his long brown hair. And he shifts it into gear, driving out of the parking lot of the latest crummy hotel and onto the highway of hell.

I start the first five minutes minutes in solitude, eating burgers and drinking cold beer. Well at least I am, he's drinking what he calls a smoothie but it looks like someone had a late night and threw up in his cup. I've learned not to ask, because in the end he will go on a rant of how I should start drinking the crap to.  After the five minutes are up, he takes out his new phone and plugs it into the car. And seconds later jazz music is blaring through the old speakers. Immediately I am in the front seat, pressing any button to turn off the noise. In the end I just unplug the cord from the stereo, and he turns his head to give me a death stare.
"What the hell are you doing to my baby?" I ask, of course he would start something this early in the morning.
"Hell, your the one who say driver picks the music and passenger shut his cake whole." I go silent as he says the words, and the mood lightens.
"Jerk," he replies back. His laptop sits closed on the leather seat in the back. Reaching for it, I slowly open the laptop to find a news article at the top of the screen. Diner in Minnesota, eight people dead, three blind from explosions, in critical condition and taken to hospital. Eyes burnt fully out of their head.
"Sounds like angels had a fit over something in the diner." Hearing my self say angels reminds me of how long it's been since I've seen Cas, and I'm really begin to miss that blue tie. It's been a month at least, since we've spoken, because of the angles tracking him down for what he did in the past. He hides every where and now and again we see him, making me want him to stay even more. What I love the most about him is the innocent he hides behind his green eyes. But I know he's far from that word as much as he can possibly get and it makes me want him more. I haven't admitted my feelings ever to him and I doubt I ever will, but I just wish-
"Dean, you alive in there?" Sam interrupts my train of thought, and he stares at me with confusion in his eyes.
"Yah what's up? The diner, angles lets go get em." I try to recollect myself and finish the topic that I had started.
"Dude we finish that conversation along time ago, you agreed that I would go ask questions at the hospital and you would check out the diner and get food for later."
"Yah, sorry I know." Did I agree to all of this because I sure don't remember saying yes to any of those words. I look back at him and he is digging through the bag that used to be full of three burgers. He pulls out a wrap covered in tinfoil and I know exactly what it is. He smells it for a second and then takes the biggest bite he could ever take from a burrito. I open the window, and smile as i grab the circular piece of bread and toss it out, watching it hit the pavement. And yet again he is giving me the sternest glare, for the second time today.
"You know I hate you right?" He glances back at the road and then back to me.
"Yah I know," I smile and take another swig of my now warm beer. He doesn't look at me but you can tell he is frustrated with my choice of actions. Minutes pass and I take a glance back at him and he is smiling. This is the Sam I know, the one who never hold grudges.

Authors note
I hope u like the first chapter of my Destiel fanfic please like and comment on what u thought about it. I know I'm not the greatest writer but I hope you enjoy it. Thxxxx🤗

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