"so what's for breakfast?" lilith asked her sister as hunger gnawed at her stomach.

"mummy made eggies!" ann elizabeth squealed, obviously excited about the scrambled eggs.

as if on queue, her mother brought out two plates of eggs and toast.

lilith hopped up from her seat and lunged for her breakfast.

"woah, lil, slow down. you're eating at the table." her mom told her with a light southern accent.

lilith slumped and trudged back to the table, pulling out her phone.

snapchat from noah schnapp👏

lilith smiled as she swiped the notification, but just as she did so, her mother came back into the room.

"no phones at the table lilith! you know this." she held out her hand, asking for the phone.

"but mom-"

"no buts!" her mother exclaimed. "you can have it back after breakfast."

"ugh, fine," lilith groaned, handing over the phone. to her surprise, her mother turned the lock screen on, and looked at the notifications.

"who's noah schnapp?" her mother asked suspiciously. "is he your boyfriend?"

"what? no!" lilith said. "he's the guy from stranger things. he plays will byers."

"well," her mother continued, "i'm not sure why everyone is always so obsessed with those kids. in ten years, you won't remember his last name."

"in ten years, i'll have his last name," lilith mumbled under her breath.

"what was that?" her mother asked.

"nothing, mommy," lilith answered quickly. "you're right."

she slouched in her chair fiddling with her thumbs. it felt like without her phone, her one chance is slipping away as she ate.

and so she shovelled the food into her mouth.

"jesus, lilith." her mom scolded. "you'll choke. slow down."

lilith rolled her eyes and continued to finish the food as fast as possible.

once she finished, which was quicker than  she should've, she snatched her phone from the counter in which her mom set it. 

As she swiped her phone open, she sprinted up the stairs towards her room. 

flopping on her bed, she clicked open the message noah sent her.

he wore a large white tee-shirt and applied the flower crown filter. causing lilith to smile at the adorable boy.

noah: good morning lil

lilith: hey schnipper

noah: how'd you sleep??

lilith: pretty well

noah: that's good

lilith: so you're filming today?

noah: yeah but i have a few hours of school rn ugh D:

lilith: but it's sunday ??

noah: hehe yeah i refused to do it friday so i'm stuck with it today

lilith: refusing again today i see?

noah: yeah, i'd rather talk to you

lilith: awe thanks schnipper<333

noah: no problem lil<333

lilith:  you are so sweet agh

noah: awe you're too nice lil!  do you have skype?

lilith: uhm yeah @ lilithforthewin :D

noah: alright, hold on one minute!

lilith set her phone down, and ran her fingers through her thick hair.

the one and only noah schnapp just asked for her skype.

lilith robby, just another teenage girl. another fan in the crowd.

as she was lost in her surreal thoughts, she heard and felt her phone vibrate against her exposed stomach.

noah schnapp added you!

noah schnapp is calling you!

author:  lily and amelia
editor: lily and amelia

published: may, 13, 2017

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