bsm #1 your sad and he trys to cheer you up

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Harry: you were sitting in you’re room silently crying because you’re boyfriend just broke up with you over a text message. “I’m home” you heard you’re brother say from downstairs “(y/n) where are you? i got a surprise for you” you just continued crying, ignoring you’re brother “(y/n)?” he called again but you still didn’t answer. after a while you heard a knock on the door “(y/n), are in there?” you didn’t answer so he just opened the door and slowly walked in “(y/n)? whats wrong? what happened?” he asked rushing to you and hugging you tightly. you still didn’t talk, just showed him the text message you received from you’r boyfriend ex-boyfriend “aww, baby you don’t have  to cry over him” he said hugging you tightly “he doesn’t know what he just gave up. you’re an amazing girl! any guy would just dream of having someone like you!” he said while stroking you’re hair soothingly “i know what will cheer you up!” he said while pulling away and pulling something from his pocket. you quickly wipe the tears from you’re eyes to look at what harry was pulling only to see that he has two concert tickets of you’re favorite band/artist. “No. Way.” you gasp immediately feeling ten times better.

Louis: you were at the park with you’re older brother playing hide and seek along with some of his friends. you, being the clumsy four year old you are, tripped over a rock and scraped you’re knee. you burst out crying and you’re brother came rushing to you immediately “awww, baby its ok, just a little bruise. it’ll go away” he said while Kissing you knee to make it better. by then you had stopped crying but you were pouting “tell you what, how about we go get some ice-cream?” he asked “YA!!!!” you answered already feeling better

Liam: you woke up feeling like crap. you had a killer headache, you’re throat hurt, you’re nose was running and to top it all off you were on you’re period. you slowly walked out of you’re bed and went to take a shower. after taking a shower you felt a bit better but that didn’t last for long because you started getting cramps. groaning you lied on you’re bed trying different positions to try to make the pain go away but it just got worse so you decided to go look for you’re mom and ask her for  help. walking through the house you couldn’t find anyone but you’re brother “hay whats wrong (y/n)?” you’re brother ask noticing you’re presence in the living room “Li, my stomach hurts” you whine “awww, come here” he said, scooping you in his arms and then setting you down on the couch then walking into the kitchen. he came back a few minuted later with some Advil, chips, chocolate, ice-cream. soda and a whole other bunch of junk food. you two spent the entire day watching cartoons and eating junk food.

Niall: (HIS POV) i was sitting in the living room when i heard the door open and close again. i turned around to see (y/n) running past me upstairs. confused by her action i stood up and followed her upstairs. i heard distanced sobs coming from the direction of (y/n) room. i rushed to her room and knocked on the door “(y/n)? are you ok?” i asked while opening the door a little. she was sitting on the edge of her bed crying so i rushed to her side and pulled her into my embrace “hey, hey whats wrong? why are you crying?” “s-some g-g-girls at sc-school s-said y-you d-don’t lo-love m-m-me” “of-course i love you (y/n)! i love you with all my heart! don’t let anyone tell you otherwise ok?” she slowly nodded her head looking down. i slowly lifted her chin and wiped the tears off her face “these girls at school are just jealous of you! i bet thy’re sitting at home right now wishing they were you so they can spend time with you’re awesome brother” that bought a smile on her face “now what do you say you hang out with you’re awesome brother today aye?” 

Zayn: (HIS POV) i was walking home with (y/n) when we heard the familiar jingles of the ice-cream tuck “zaynieeee, can we get ice-cream?” the little 4 year old asked me “sure thing kiddo” we both got ice cream and continued our walk home. a while later (y/n) tripped and dropped her ice-ream on the floor then started crying. “shhh, its ok, you can have mine” i said trying to get her to stop crying “how about i get you a new one?” she slowly nodded her head, rubbing the tears from her eyes “what do you say we make a race and see who can reach the ice-cream truck first?” she smiled and without warning started run towards the truck “HAY!!! NO FAIR” i said running after the laughing little girl.

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