I love you.

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It was a perfect day.

Andrea seemed to rarely have good days.

She would go to school, do her best, and then come home. She didn't have freinds, she didn't have 'acquaintances', and she sincerely didn't have a family.

Andrea was riding down her neighborhood on her bike when she saw a boy. Now, Andrea was desperate to find freinds so she rode over to him.

"Do you live here?" she asked the boy.


The boy began to walk away but Andrea tryed to get him to stay.

"Do you go to Redgrove high?"

"No, I don't. Why?" The boy replied with an attitude that was repulsive in Andrea's opinion but as I said before; she was desperate.

"I'm sorry if I bothered you, I was just trying to be kind."

Andrea was getting ready to ride away when the boy said something.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just thought you were coming over to, like, make fun of me or something."

He had a look of sincere apologie in his eyes.

"Why would I?" Andrea looked at him curiously.

"Its just a lot of people do make fun of me. I'm sorry. My names Logan Nicolas Kaine but you can call me Logan."

He extended his hand towards her.

"My names Andrea Claire Paulmend but you can call me Andrea."

with that she grabbed his hand and shoke it.

"It's very nice to meet you Andrea."

He blushed and she smiled.


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