[Chapter 2: Freedom]

Start from the beginning

"So it was grass," I explode, "Look A2, just bring some fish by itself. Don't go mixing and matching, else humanity might finally go extinct..."

"I'll take care of that after this. Turn over." A2 commands.


"You never listen, turn over."

"W- Why?"

"Onto your stomach, come on."

"Ok I guess." It takes a lot of effort, but I'm lying stomach down on the cushion.

"Alright, here we go." A2 aggressively yanks at my pants.

My face instantly turns red, "Hey, what do you think you're doing? Stop!" with my free hand, I tug at my waist line, struggling to keep my pants on.


"What are you talking about?" Trying to maintain my dignity, we continue the duel for my pants, I mean it's just a machine, but still...

"I'm going to use the bathroom for you."

"That's not how it works, I can do it myself." I argue.

"You said in a day or two, you'll have to use the bathroom. Stop resisting."

Ugh, enough of this ridiculousness! I'm able to barely pry off its hands, "A2, I'm the human here, just grab me a pot or a container, or something and let humans do their human business."

"Tch." A2 walks away from the end of my cushion, exiting and slamming the door. I wait for its footsteps to disappear into the distance.

"Phew, that was close, who knows what she would've done." All right, this is my chance, it'll be out catching fish or making death food for a while. My hand reaches to grab a worn-out crutch, hiding beneath my cushion. I steadily get myself up. Looks like I'm getting good at this kind of thing. Deliberately making my way to the door, avoiding any sound, I press my ear to the wall and listen for the machine and its friend. Quiet. It's as if I'm trying to escape from prison or a crazy kidnapper. I twist the knob and crack the door open. I look through the small opening, making sure not to get sent back to my isolated box. I move the door further and slip through, a hallway is lined with many rooms, just like mine; walls worn and decrepit. From the worn red strips on the wall, it seems to be a hospital. The hallway is dark and only small skylights illuminate my path. I seem to be good at getting into situations like this... I work my way down the hall way, I'm careful not to step on the broken glass or trip on any of the spilled over cabinets. Each room I pass looks like each one has been void of human life, dark and dusty; cracks running through the walls. I'm starting to believe that machine... I continue and make quick work of a stair case. At the bottom, the entrance, freedom and fresh air. The rhythm of my crutch and foot alternate, echoing through the hospital.

Shit not again. I quicken my pace and drop behind the lobby counter, hiding in a cubby. My heart rate starts up and sweat beads consolidate on my forehead.

That damn mechanical whirring.

I sit in dead silence, staring at the checkered floor. It sounds like there are multiple machines out there, hopefully they'll leave before A2 gets back, I can't miss this opportunity.

The footsteps enter the lobby, one is getting closer. Fuck, not again.

I can try and fight it, but it's just a hunk of metal, I'll end up breaking my fist before anything. I need something else... I look around desperately and find a rusty pipe on the ground. This will work. I hope.

Each step gets louder, I feel my clothes drenched in sweat. Shit, shit, shit. My right arm trembles, making it difficult to hold the pipe straight. Calm down, I can do this.

The machine walks past the desk and with all my effort, I swing the pipe wildly at its legs, loud banging rings my ears. After a couple of seconds, I force myself to stop swinging and reorient myself. Breathing heavily, I see the machine squirming around on the ground, having trouble getting up. It's like the one I encountered in the desert. Relieved, I quickly grab my crutch and hasten pass the machine on the ground to the exit. I'm about halfway to the door when three machines spot me. Oh god. I try and increase my speed but the cast on my leg limits my ability. The machines are getting closer, why the hell is this happening again? I exit the building and-

The concrete is cold. Another broken noise, ha. I raise my head up to look around for my crutch but see it on the steps outside of the exit, close to the machines. Instead of crawling, I lay down on the ground, too tired to move. My arms want to crawl, but they just can't. I close my eyes once more, ready to rest.

Slashes of a sword cut through the air, I open my eyes to see shockwaves cutting through the machines, exploding into bits and bolts. Someone drops down in front of the hospital exit. It looks like...

"A2? You're not A2 are you?"

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Any comments or critique is well appreciated^^ See you then!

NieR Automata: A2 x HumanWhere stories live. Discover now