Tag 1?

11 0 0

I was tagged by judykong2
13 facts about myself:

1.I have two derpy cats who dribble and eat mushrooms

2.I am have a French mum and an English dad, and I worked out I'm a 36th German and an 8th Swiss.

3.I like books. Way too much.

4.Some of the books I like consist of: the Beautiful Creatures series, Sin Eater's Daughter series, Harry Potter, the Slated series, and the list could just go on forever...

5.People who don't know me think I'm shy and awkward at first, people who really know me know I'm crazy and awkward.

6.I like photography, writing, art stuff in general, horse riding, reading, and other stuff.

7.I sort of play the piano/keyboard.

8.I like the cold and the rain.

9.My family know not to bring up issues relating to sexism, or they'll be prepared for a rant.

10.I like Cheshire cat, March Hare and the Jabberwocky. And others, of course.

11.Chocolate is too good for words. (Not white chocolate though... Blurgh.)

12.I'm pretty tall for my age and have dark hair. And my eyes change colour in different lighting (browns, goldishy colours, greens).

13.I like to be random, and make up words.

I'm taking these people, but I don't think I know enough people to tag 13... So sad 😥







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