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the new beginning

❝Falling fallingThrough the floorI'm knocking on the Devil's door❞

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Falling falling
Through the floor
I'm knocking on the Devil's door

THE SOUND OF a leather clad boot tapping in annoyance broke the silence of the dark alleyway of the infamous Starling City. The boots belonged to a dark figure standing in the shadows waiting for its partner to arrive. He was late. Again.

It was a little after midnight, leaving the streets almost empty except for some teenagers stumbling, trying to find their way home in the barely lit streets of the Glades. And there were the people with a cause. The people who had something planned, determined to put through with it before the Sun hit the sky again. Hannah Theresa Allen and Alexander Porter were the latter.

While the older blonde male was roaming the streets his redhead partner was impatiently waiting for him, checking the time every now and then. She just wanted to go home and sleep.

"Found him." Came the information finally from the man she proudly called her constant partner in crime. A sinister grin appeared on the girl's face as she stepped out of the shadows.

"Then what are we waiting for?"

"Felicity, there's no one here."

Echoed the deep voice in the dark, empty warehouse. The building was rather big and full of dust. It was abandoned. It has been for a time now considering it was falling apart at some places and it really needed a good cleaning. The once light paint on the walls were not recognisable as it turned to a dull gray color. The place used to be full of happy working people, but it seemed corruption and fear from the rich -those in power- reached the small business leaving it to close its gates forever.

"What do you mean?" Came a confused voice through the com in the man's ear. "I swear I just saw someone get mugged and beaten up on the cameras."

The hooded vigilante stood straight now more focused than before. His dark eyes scanned the area for any suspicious matter. He clenched his bow tighter and grabbed an arrow from his quiver which rested on his back.

"I mean that this place is as empty as your stomach. Please eat something, I can hear it growling all the way here." He said. "Are you sure, you gave me the right ad-" He couldn't finish his sentence as he was roughly thrown against a wall.

The action threw him off (pun intended), he didn't hear any movements near him as his attacker was so silent and quick.

He could feel his head pounding, every movement he made just made it worse. He felt warm liquid on the back of his head slowly pouring down to his neck. He reached back to touch it but as soon as he grazed the sour spot he hissed from the slight pain. Oliver could hear his blonde friend calling his name several times but he was too busy to answer as he was lifting his throbbing head up to see his attacker.

"Why are you wearing green? You don't blend in with green on the streets." Flashed a smug grin his way a woman with fiery red hair. Her green eyes were alluring as she curiously took his appearance in. Her fair complexion perfectly matched her appearance making her look intimidating but pure at the same time.

He glanced down at his clothing which consisted of leather boots, pants, and a jacket with a hood. And his weapons of course. All green. She kind of had a point. But he wouldn't give her the satisfaction and let her know that.

"A hood seriously? I get that you don't want people to find out your indentity but couldn't you do better? How do you see anything in that when you turn your head?" Frowned a blonde man who appeared next to the woman. His warm dirty blonde hair were the exact opposite of the dangerous fiery red. His icy blue eyes bore into Oliver's, making shudder. He didn't look away, instead he noticed the little brown part in the blonde's left eye which made the man look less cold and more interesting.

They both wore black leather boots with pants, gloves and jackets to match. They didn't bother to hide their faces, unlike Oliver who was getting more pissed off by the minute.

Oliver noticed the lack of weapons on them and he thought of using that as his advantage, but as he got on his feet the girl's eyes flashed to unnatural colors making him take a step back, falling over a pipe. The blonde man smirked and sped over to him, moving with inhuman speed. When he reached the vigilante he extended his arm for him to take. "Need a hand?" He smirked. "We just want to talk."

Oliver contemplated on whether to trust them or not but eventually his curiosity won over his stubborn mind and he took the man's hand letting him help his green ass up from the ground.

After standing up and balancing himself, he let Felicity know he was fine. To say she was worried was an understatement. Once she calmed down he turned to the two strangers. "Who are you?"

"I'm Hannah Allen and this is Xander Porter." She motioned with her right hand towards herself then the man. "We're sorry for the inconvenience, I bet with Xander he couldn't throw you so hard to break your spine, and guess I won. Pay up bitch." She smirked at her partner extending her palm towards him in doing so. He shoved a 20 dollar bill into her hand huffing.

"Ah-ah." She sook her head. "You owe me plus 5 dollars for making him fall." He groaned reaching into his back pockets before stopping with a smug grin on his face. "No, no. As I recall he did not fall because of you. He tripped over the pipe. Take that Mother Theresa!"

Her face instantly turned red from anger. "I told you not to call me that!" She reached into her pockets to give her cocky friend his money but realised she didn't have any except for the 20 dollar bill she just won. She turned to the confused Oliver awkwardly asking him if he had any change. He shook his head then let the events of what just happened sink in.

"I'm just going to ignore the fact you two bet on me and and just ask; what do you want?"

"Oh, right that. Sorry got a bit carried away." Hannah grinned. "Well me and my dude Xander heard of you being the new Robin Hood and thought why not see you for ourselves. Y'know, just to make sure you really are doing good things and not just killing for sport."

"We've been doing this kind of job for years too." Xander took a step closer not showing any emotion on his face. Something flashed in his eyes for a moment but it was gone as fast as it came. "Guess, we'll be going then. See you around Ollie."

As soon as Oliver grasped what he said his eyes went wide. He retrieved his bow and an arrow but the mysterious duo were long gone.

"Felicity, run down the names Hannah Allen and Alexander Porter on every program you can."

bear with me as english is not my first language.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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