down to the very last drop

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Chapter two: Finding some info

It was dark and drearry inside. We had no protection, nohing. We all split up to search the hous , me ,Piper, and Megan. In my part of the room it had lots of cob webs and dust bunnies. I thought some thing would pop out at me so i dint let my gaurd down. In Pipers part of the room it was creepy pictures of this old man and his family. The thing is the eyes... BOOM! BANG! CLASH!. Oh my freakin gauhidi. It is back. We all split out the door or whih is now a gaint whole and ran. We didnt know where to go. We didnt know who would save us. We were alone.

We were all alone with a bloodthirsty monster craving flesh on the loose. We had to find shelter and food soon before we starve.

Later that day we stummbled upon a torn up hotel. After I saw the hotel and the rest of the town. I knew we were really alone. We had to survive on our own in this big world full of terrifying things.

In the hotel we found a dead man but also some research papers. We looked at the papers that the man was researching, about the thing we saw. It is called a Chupacabra. A mexican devil monster or something. But what was a Chupacabra doing in North Carolina. *stumbble* *knock* We all turned toards the door . What we saw was so cute it was terrifying. It was Nash Grier.

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