Regulus' Wish

Começar do início

I rubbed the bridge of my nose, sighing. "Please Regulus, think before you act. You could die."

"If I die, I'll know it was for you." He stated, softly, rubbing my back.

"How would I feel then? I'd be destroyed. You are trying to risk your life for me, for the greater good, for a better world. All because of a prophecy I've been given. Regulus, this is my prophecy, not yours. I have to do this."

"You can't do everything by yourself." He reasoned, looking out into the lake. "Think of it this way, I'll be your spy. I'll give you the information, you do the work."

"Fine. But be safe, don't do anything stupid."

"Like what? Announce myself as a spy?" He chuckled.

I giggled, "yeah, don't so that. And don't get yourself killed. Promise?" I held out my pinkie, waiting for him to lock his with mine.

He intertwined our fingers, grinning, "promise."

"Good. And you better not drag Severus into this." I looked at him pointedly.

He held his hands up on surrender, "hey, I'll just tell him about it. If he wants to join, that's his choice."

"Don't influence his decision in any way. I don't need two idiots trying to protect me from someone much more powerful than all of us combined."

"He can be the one to choose, I won't tell him what to do. But I'm pretty sure he's going to join as well."

I sighed, nodding, "I know."

"So tell me. How much exactly do you like him? How do you feel about him?" Reggie asked curiously. I knew he was talking about Sirius again.

I thought to myself, mulling it over, "well, when I see him, I can't help but feel different. I get excited, I like being around him. But on the other hand, he's such an idiot, he gets jealous and over protective. And it's really cute, it's just tiring, you know? I mean, I love seeing him jealous, it makes me feel all fuzzy inside, like I can't get enough of it; but then he gets angry. When he's angry he turns into an idiot, and does things that he shouldn't. It makes me regret my feelings for him."

"You know, he only acts like an idiot because he feels so strongly for you, and it gets out of control." Regulus explained.

I shook my head, "he has feelings for someone else. He's told me about it."

"Did you ever think that he was telling you to get your reaction. Girls are easy to read. If you tell the girl you like that you like someone else and she gets jealous, it's obvious she has feelings for you, then you can make your move."

"No, he definitely likes someone else. He doesn't care about me, if he did, he'd so as I ask. He would stop with the sexual remarks and he would quit hitting on thee girls."

"Sirius hasn't hooked up with a girl in months. He's been too I focused on you to even think of another girl. He likes you, Aria." Regulus smiled a little, "I may not be that close to him, but he's still my brother. I know him as well as I know myself. He likes you. He's going to make his move soon, I just know he is."

"If he does, I'll be sure to thank you." I giggled, rolling my eyes.

"You mean when he does," he smirked.

I giggled but quickly sobered, "you know, he once told me he loved me. That's why I was yelling at him that one day we were kidnapping Sev. He told me he loved me the day before, at the party. He was drunk off his arse, and he told me he loved me, Reg." I frowned, staring at my fingers.

"I've always heard, drunks are the most innocent and truthful of us all." He spoke softly.

"What do you think of this? Reggie, be honest." I pleaded for his thoughts on the situation.

"Well, the way I see it, if he really does love you, it'll be great to have you as a sister in law. If he doesn't? He doesn't deserve you." Reggie shrugged.

"Really? That's all you have to saw on this subject?" I shook my head incredulously at him, grinning slightly.

"What else do you want me to say? You have my blessing if you want to be with him. If not, I'll kick his arse."

I giggled rolling my eyes.

"Let's go in, shall we? It's getting a bit chilly. I think it's suppose to rain tonight." Regulus stood, helping me up.

The sky had darkened a little, clouds swirled around, forming dark masses. The temperature had gone down about fifteen degrees since we came out an hour ago. It was almost time for dinner. And I could finally give my speech.

To think, it had been hours since I jumped out of the astronomy tower. Almost an entire day.

I walked with Regulus, soon parting ways with him. I warned him once more, not to convince Severus of anything. To let him decided for himself. I went to the common room, I still had a bit of time before the meal.


I hope you all enjoyed it. I have a few things to say regarding this chapter.

First off, the scene was the idea of @AniaSelTay1D, it was her prize for winning the first Bex Games, the second challenge is up, if you would like to check that out. Her idea was to have a moment between Reggie and Aria, talking about Sirius. So that was for her.

Secondly, Regulus has stated in this chapter that he will be joining the death eaters to help Aria, that is the entire perspective I wanted Regulus and Severus and Lucius to have. I wanted them to be shown as becoming death eaters for her, not because of their political views or their families. I have always thought that the three were much more than they were perceived. They each had a story that needed to be told. They were once bad but they turned good. So that's what my story will show, them being good. They aren't just horrible, Slytherin, death eaters. They are much more and I feel like not everyone sees that. You can't have a villain without a little good just as you can't have a hero without a little bad.

So, as you can see, Severus and Regulus are joining Voldemort's ranks as spy's. Of course, we know that Severus is a double spy for Albus and Voldemort. But in my story, he will be a triple spy. His true loyalties lie with Bex. Neither Albus nor Tom will allow Bex to know any plans. Because easily, the other could read her mind and find out the other sides strategy. Severus plays into this as the information relayer to Bex. That way, as the prophecy barer, she can destroy him for good. And Regulus will be a spy as well, until he dies.

So I hope you all can stick with me and watch the magic come alive.

I hope you all liked it, if you'd please comment, vote, share, fan, and follow that would be amazing. Thank you all.

Knowing the MaraudersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora