He paced his apartment nervously not sure what to do with himself. He ran his hands through his hair with frustration. He threw himself on his bed staring at the ceiling wondering what he could do to win her over. He grabbed the pillow that she had used over the weekend and buried his face in it, the scent of her perfume was still there, God how he loved her smell. He laid on his bed with the pillow against him, till he drifted off to an uncomfortable sleep.

He woke late the next morning feeling as if he had been hit by a truck. He moaned lifting himself off the bed and rubbed his sleepy face. He felt so empty and angry still as he pulled out his phone and calling Roxy again. He growled in frustration when she rejected the call. Why wouldn't she talk to him? Didn't she see that he was on her side? He decided to call Veronica and see if she had talked to Roxy. "Hey Veronica, have you talked to Roxy yet?" He frowned when he heard her sigh knowing that wasn't a good sign.

"She is really being stubborn on this one," Veronica said with sadness. "I swear it was as if I was talking to her father! I tried to reason with her but she just vomited the arguments of her father at me!" Jamie's spirits fell down to a whole new level of low that he didn't even know existed. He thanked her and hung up. He looked at his watch, in a couple of hours he would have to go to the airport.

No more phone calls he decided as he walked to the bathroom. He showered quickly letting the hot water wake him up fully. Jamie knew that he if could see her in person he would be able to get through to her. She never could resist him when they were together and he could use that to his advantage.

After a ten minute drive he pulled up into her drive way. He felt determination flow through him as he got out of the car and walked up the porch. He knocked on the door loudly with no answer. No big deal, he didn't think it was going to be that easy. He knocked several times but the house showed no signs of life.

"Roxy, open up," he yelled loudly through the door and clenched his jaw attempting to keep himself from getting too angry. He beat the door a couple more times. "Come on, let's talk about this," he yelled even louder. Come one let me see your beautiful face, he pleaded silently. In frustration he tried opening the door but it was locked so he looked in the windows but he didn't see her or any signs of life. He continued calling her and beating on the door. After several minutes he still had nothing! He couldn't believe it, she was ignoring him completely. He knew she was there, he could see her car. He slammed his fist against the door in frustration, while he demanded she come to the door and when he was only greeted with silence he gave the door a solid kick. Angry and defeated he went back to his car to go to the airport and pick up his friend.

"Man you look like crap," Michael said when he came out of the terminal and Jamie glared at his friend. That wasn't exactly what he needed to hear at the moment.

"Yeah nice to see you too!"

"Now is that any way to treat a friend that has come all the way from New York as quickly as he could to help you out?"

"Sorry man, she still is avoiding me and it's driving me nuts!"

"Well since you've apologized I will tell you the good news Not only do we have a nice solid case for the lawsuit but thanks to help from your dad we can also are going to file a lawsuit for harassment since his actions has cause problems in your relationship with Roxy."

"You told my father," Jamie exclaimed slapping his hand over his face. "Why the hell did you do that?"

"Relax, Frannie and he actually loved the idea of you settling down."

"My mom too?" he asked uncertainly and Michael just laughed. This was just great; this was the icing on the cake. His father would never let him hear the end of it and his mother was already probably planning their wedding. If Michael wasn't there to help him Jamie probably would have knocked his ass to the ground, instead he settled for a nasty glare as they left the airport.

"I thought about paying you for your time but not anymore," Jamie scowled at him when they reached his car.

"You couldn't afford me Jamiey Boy! Anyways your dad is paying my time," Michael said laughing and Jamie narrowed his eyes at his friend getting in the car.

"Well since you're on the clock we will stop by his office when we reach town," Jamie told him and Michael gave him a quick nod.

"I still don't get why you would rather work in a place like this than rather than your father's law firm," Michael told him as soon as they arrived at the little off white building.

"I really don't feel like living under his shadow for the rest of my life, that's why. This place seemed like a good place to start a name of my own," Jamie replied as they walked towards the building. Mrs. Betty eyed Jamie and Michael with skepticism for a moment then got up to tell Mr. Porter they were there.

"Mikey!" Veronica suddenly squealed practically throwing herself at Michael. He seemed just as happy to see her too. Jamie could resist a small smile. "Mikey," he asked silently to his friend. Michael just shrugged with a grin. Jamie felt a stab of jealousy as he watched them happily kiss each other. He should be doing that with Roxy right now but instead he was here.

"Mr. Porter will see you now Jamie," Mrs. Betty told him giving him a look that seem to say "good luck" when she returned to her small desk. Michael gave Veronica a quick final kiss.

"Time to go to work Veronica, how about we meet up after you finished work?" Michael asked and she nodded excited.

"Sure thing Michae,, give him hell you two," she told them before returning back to her work. Jamie was impressed as he watched the change his friend suddenly made. He went from the smiling laid back friend to a very stern looking lawyer as they walked to Daniel Porter' office.

Mr. Porter glared at them from behind his desk and indicated for them both to sit down. "Have you made your decision then, son?" He asked Jamie coldly.

"Yes I have Mr. Porter. I have no intention of breaking up with your daughter," he said challenging the older man. Mr. Porter laughed at him.

"Are you willing to throw your career away for some stupid case of lust?"

"I care a lot for your daughter even if you apparently do not," Jamie shot back. He wanted so badly to smash in that wrinkled old face of his, how could this evil man sleep at night?

"Don't pretend to tell me how I feel for my dau-that girl! If you insist on seeing her then I believe your services are no longer needed by my company!"

"Then you still have the intention of firing Jamie?" Michael said finally and Mr. Porter glared at him. "I am here to inform you that if you do that you will be faced with a lawsuit for unlawful termination. Under Mr. Emaniel contract for employment and company policy there aren't any conditions against any relationships that may develop between him and fellow co-workers." Mr. Porter glare got even colder when Michael handed him an envelope.

"This is a court order for your appearance for another lawsuit Mr. Emanuel has filed against you for harassment that has caused problems in his relationship with Roxaine Porter."

Mr. Porter face became very pale as he opened the envelope and quickly read over the documents. He looked up glaring at both of them now. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it once more.

"If this is the way you want it boy, then fine! You're fired now get out of this building before I call the police and have you dragged out of here!"

"I would like nothing better! I will be seeing you in court." They both got up from their chairs and left his office. Jamie sighed feeling a little better knowing he had Daniel Porter just where he wanted him. Now if he could only do the same with Roxy. He leaned against his car wondering how he could get that woman to listen to him. Michael patted him on the back.

"Don't worry man, it will all work out." Michael told his friend. "Until then how about we find some place to go get drunk?" Jamie smiled only slightly but shook his head.

2nd ChancesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon