Come Back!

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 English is not my first language so I will beg you to excuse my grammar or spelling mistakes.

Don't you think the ocean is amazing, Young Do? 

Why didn't you tell me you didn't know how to swim?

Don't you think that the city is so beautiful from up here? 

Why didn't you tell me you're afraid of heights?

You should stop bullying others, Choi Young Do. 

I did as you told me to, Cha Eun Sang. Will this make you come back?

You should apologize for your wrongdoings. 

I apologized to everyone, Cha Eun Sang. Not everyone forgave me, but I can live with it if this brings you back.

This isn't right Choi Young Do. I don't know if you're taking it all from respect towards him, but this isn't right. You should have a serious talk with your father. Tell him everything you feel. 

I did it Cha Eun Sang. He even apologized to me. The beatings stopped. Why aren't you here to see my pretty face?

I know you're smart, so why won't you take those tests serious? 

I ranked first. You should've been there to see Le Bo Na's face.

You should help others. It'll help you too, you know? 

You were right. I feel happy when others thank me for helping them.

You should make more friends. Real ones. 

Won't that make Myung Soo jealous? I'm his oppa after all. 

But I have now, real friends. I have a few. They help me a lot now that you're not around anymore.

You really miss her, don't you? Go look for her Choi Young Do. I'm sure she misses you too. 

I found her, my mother. She cried an entire day after she saw me. We hugged each other for half an hour. She smelled like you.

Is there really a reason for you and Kim Tan to be enemies? Think about it, Choi Young Do. 

You were right. After a few drinks we both had our most serious discussion. We're buddies now. He married Rachel in the end, can you believe this? My stepsister and my ex-enemy. Weird, right? You weren't there for their weeding.

You should eat more, Young Do. You can't just live of ramen. It's bad for your health. 

Ya, Eun Sang! Who are you, my mother? Speaking about my mother, we eat dinner together every night. She said she wished she could meet you. I showed her a picture of you; I always carry one with me. I could see tears forming in her eyes. Were those tears for you, or for me?

You should stop drinking. I don't like the smell. 

I can't do that. It's the only way I know how to stop thinking about you.

Aren't you scared? You're driving way too fast, Young Do. What if something happens to you? 

I'm not scared. Driving at full speed calms me. And what if I die? Won't I get to see you then?

You can cry. You shouldn't be ashamed of your own tears. They make you stronger. 

They make me weak, Eun Sang. When I can't stop crying every night, they make me weak. You made me weak.

You should talk more about your dreams, about yourself. 

My dream was to wake up every morning and see your face. To see you next to me. Now I'm left only with shattered dreams.

Don't you think fate is amazing? The way she brought us together... 

Don't you think fate is cruel? The way she gave you to me, only to take you away a month later?

Don't you think life is beautiful? 

Then why did you left?

Don't you think it will be perfect if we could meet in the after world too? 

Why did you ask such a question? For how long were you planning to leave this world?

I'll come back. 

You never did.

I love you, Choi Young Do! 

Why didn't you take me with you?

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