Who's in your house?

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You're asleep in your bed, wrapped in a swath of warm blankets and hugging your pillow, when a sound awakens you.

During the day, when the sun is brilliant and the atmosphere is full of light, no such sound would have bothered you in the least. But now, when the darkness of the night has you in it's cold, deathly grip, even a sound as subtle as this is enough to wash the blood from your cheeks and make your heart race like a train.

As you futily try to convince yourself that the sound meant nothing, and was just a result of the old house, you hear the sound again, slightly louder this time. It sounds almost...

Like a very quiet, calculated footstep.

You live alone, so it couldn't have been anyone who lives in the house, and as your body shakes like a leaf, and your hushed breathing becomes ragged, you decide to investigate downstairs. Although your instinct rages against it, your curiosity controls your actions, and before you know it, you're descending the stairs one by one, trying your best not to make a sound in the darkness that is so quiet it's inhumanly loud.

Once downstairs, you proceed to the kitchen, where you fumble for a kitchen knife, and a phone, just in case.

You're still in denial, trying to make yourself believe that there's no one here, and you're just being paranoid, but deep in your gut, you know there's someone here, waiting for you to come inspect so they can have the perfect time to strike.

You come to the last room downstairs, and hesitantly, ever so slowly...

You fling the door open, and to your utter surprise and delight, there's no one there. No intruder waiting to stick a blade in your gut, no pervert waiting for the moment you let your guard down-

But wait.

You hear something, from upstairs this time. It's undoubtedly a footstep. Followed by another, and another, and another.

And, to your utter horror, you realize that the footsteps were coming from...

Your bedroom.

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