She looked like she was scared, like she regretted she ever brought this up.

"I don't need this" she said and walked away.

I don't understand what she's talking about, what is it she doesn't need? Me? I followed her into the bedroom and dragged her arm so she would stop walking.

"Stop, Rachel" I said and held her against the wall "What don't you need? Don't you love me?" I whispered right into her ear

''I-.. I don't mean I don't love you" she said and I could hear her breaths getting faster.

"You're confusing me!" I yelled and let her arms go.

She didn't move. She was still standing against the wall just the way she was before. My arms surrounded her.

"I'm sorry" she said and her eyes started to tear up "you just don't understand"

"No I don't understand because you don't explain. I can't read minds" I aggressively said and stared her down.

"I can't put a label on us. I just can't" she said and swallowed the lump in her throat to prevent herself from bursting into tears.

''You don't want to put a label on us? Do you mean like, being my girlfriend?"

"Yes.. I- I don't know"

"But if I was someone else you would be bursting into a stupid musical number with me the moment you saw me like life is perfect and just do everything for me to call you my girlfriend!" she didn't say anything. I think she was shocked I yelled at her like this "Am I right?"

"No, you're not" she said and tried to push herself away from where she was standing "Get out of my way, Quinn"

"Don't take a tiny little step away from here, do you understand?" I said and placed my hands on her cheeks.

"Quinn, please I want to be alone" she said and pushed me off her and walked away.

''No we are going to talk about this. I finally got you and I'm not letting you go, not this time!" I shouted as I walked after her into the living room.

"Are you doing all of this because I was talking to a guy?" She stopped and said with a weirdly calm voice "are you really that obsessed with me?!" Rachel now tried to raise her voice but it cracked.

"Why are you crying? I'm the one who should be crying, one second you love me and the other you act like a fucking psychopath!"

"Oh, are we going to talk about psychopaths?" she said.

My heart started racing and I felt the urge to just.. I didn't want to think this way about her. It's just that bringing up my weak spot and making me feel like I'm crazy will in fact, actually drive me crazy.


"Don't what? Tell you the truth.."

"Rachel, shut the fuck up"

"No you shut up, Quinn!" She yelled at me ''You think I'm the same high school Rachel who takes anyone's shit anymore but I don't take shit from anyone. Don't try dictate in my own apartment. This is my place, not yours"

Something about her being like this made me fall in love with her even more. I've never seen Rachel yell at anyone like this, especially not me. I couldn't help but smiling.

"What the hell are you smiling for? Is this funny to you.. I don't understand what you expect from me, Quinn" she said and swallowed a big lump again "if you get jealous because of something like that then I don't know what to tell you, I didn't even flirt. We just talked"

All or Nothing (Faberry)Where stories live. Discover now