Chapter 9: I'm Always There For You

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Cedric started to walk down to the common room. When he entered the cracking fire welcomed him as he sat down. His egg was right there in the open ready for the next person to open it.
"Must be loosing my mind." He said to himself thinking the egg was something else that he didn't hear before.
Cedric decided to open the egg again assuming he's loosing his mind. When he opened it, the same old screeching noise came out then when it was the first time. Cedric quickly closed the egg thinking he would loose himself even more if he didn't.
"I'm loosing my mind." He said to himself.
"Ced, what was that for?" Lukas asked as he came down from the 6th year dormitory.
"I think I'm loosing my mind Lu." He said.
"I think you are. Ced, the second task is in a month. You need to figure out the task. Harry probably already knows. Also, the Yule Ball is in 2 weeks! Max is already thinking about asking out someone."
"Luna Lovegood, Ravenclaw 3rd year."
"Isn't she that long blonde girl who's off in her own world? I've seen her but not enough to know her."
"Yeah she is."
"Why do we go for the Ravenclaw's?"
"We don't, Ced seriously. Name one I've dated, that isn't Lynzie."
"Ellie, Allison, Willow, Katrina and Elizabeth. I've only had Cho."
"I said to name one. That was 5 and I know Hogwarts doesn't teach math but you really should know what one is. I mean Ravenclaw's are something aren't they?"
"4th year Gryffindor's are nice."
"Also about the egg." Lukas said trying to change the subject from him to Cedric.
"Professor Moody told me to bathe with the egg. Why bathe with it? Is he trying to make it seem awkward."
   "I don't know but you should do it."
   "I already have everyone in Hufflepuff counting on me, I don't need to figure out what a professor told me."
"Do what the professor said. You're Cedric Diggory, nothing gets in your way."
   "Thanks, now I guess I'll do it tonight.
   "Then get Hermione to go with you do it tonight at the Prefects bathroom! It will be really nice and can hold you and Hermione." Lukas suggested.
"I wasn't planning on that. That idea is pretty good Lu, I guess I'll do that. But I'm in a bathroom with Hermione!"
   "It's a bathroom! It's not like your in a bedroom. This isn't a love potion."
   "I can't imagine me in a bathroom with a 15 year old girl. Why does it have to be a bathroom?"
   "It's the clue so do it!
   "I still can't believe I'm going to do this." Cedric said as he picked up the golden egg.
"I can believe it! I can imagine you guys together every second of it. Every second grows the connection more and more! What would it be?....Cedmione!"
"Lukas stop."
"Well better get going now."
"Bye then."

3rd Point
Cedric had the egg with him as he walked through the school to the Gryffindor common room. Maybe Cedric and Hermione has slowly grown. But it could be? Maybe Cedmione is a thing. When he got to the entrance, he asked one simple question.
"Can you get Hermione Granger?" He asked the painting.
"Well well ok, who am I talking to? Let's see, Hufflepuff robes, golden egg with him, messy light brown hair, grey stormy eyes, tall, handsome boy, age of seventeen, easy your other Hogwarts Triwizard Champion, Cedric Digggory." The Fat Lady stated.
"Yeah I'm Cedric," he said back. "How did you know?"
"The girls speak of you in the common room."
"All of that?"
"Some of the boys say that also. In my case, your a pretty boy, but a bit pale for my taste but that wouldn't bother me and also..."
"Can you please get Hermione Granger?"
"Alright lover boy, wait where you are standing." The Fat Lady said.
Hermione was in her dorm. She was reading of course. The peace on a Friday night was very lovely. Also she didn't have Parvati and Lavender with her so that was good for her. The painting that was near her just changed and scared her.
"Hello." The Fat Lady said through the painting.
   Hermione jumped up from who just said "hello" in her dormitory.
"Ever learned to knock before you startle me or anyone that's a Gryffindor?"
"I'm a painting what am I supposed to do? Knock on the frame?"
   "It's better than startling me! You're supposed to..."
"Anyway I'm here to say that someone at the door for you."
"Who? Also why would anyone be at the door for me? Also is this a student from a differnt house or something? Is it a professor? Did I fail a class! Who is it Fat Lady?"
"You have legs, go see him yourself."
Hermione got up and quickly went out to the entrance of the common room. When she said "him" she knew who should be there. Hopefully she was correct and it wasn't someone like Professor Snape complaining to her about how she tries to get Gryffindor glory another year even though it's the Triwizard Tournament this year which is way more important than a House Cup. 
"Hey." Hermione said once she saw who was at the door.
"Hey Hermione." Cedric said back.

The Secret Love: A Cedric Diggory and Hermione Granger  fan fictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя