Chapter Forty Five

Start from the beginning

“Sorry fluff.” Harry sighed, leaning over and kissing the corner of Zayn’s mouth, before nodding a little and going off. Zayn stood still and watched Harry walk down to his bus stop on his own, before he turned and went his own separate way, his curious mind wondering if it had been something he had done.

He had scared him, which was probably the reason why Harry wanted to be on his own. Zayn always wanted to run away from people who scared him, he just didn’t want to scare Harry. He sniffed a little, promising himself never to scare anyone again, before walking the long path to his Dad’s house.

He walked through the streets, his eyes collecting every detail of the familiar streets, and the new little parts they had never caught onto before. The sign that stood by the crossroads now had a large dent in the centre, half empty yet trodden on beer cans scattered around the bottom of it. Zayn Malik wondered about the cause of the dent and the litter. Of course, the boy wouldn’t have known to assume it was a bunch of teenage boys the previous night.

He finally reached his Father’s street, and instantly recognised his next-door neighbour stood outside of her own front door. He smiled a little at Hayley, and at the sight of him, she quickly waved her hand in a gesture of urgency.

“Zayn, c’mere!” She whispered loudly, and he quickly nodded, walking over to her front door and to where she was stood.

“Your Dad came home and was shouting at the neighbour’s, I think he’s been drinking, you’re safer in here.” She smiled, before opening her front door and letting him walk in first.

“I heard it before I saw it, but I didn’t want you going in there, so I stood and waited for you to come home, if you were going to come here anyway…Alfie’s napping.” She explained, shutting the front door behind them both. Zayn’s eyes looked around the small house. Almost identical in structure to his Father’s, although the walls were decorated differently. Pale colours went down the walls, and the smell of baby powder was heavy in the air. He smiled a little, a sign that his nose liked it.

The girl looked tired, as always, yet still told Zayn where to put his bags and books down, before asking him how he liked his tea. Zayn smiled and whispered a reply of two sugars before sitting on the small sofa.

“My Dad’s on a business trip, you can stay over the night, if you want. Might be fun, haven’t had a sleepover for years.” Hayley’s voice called in from the kitchen, before she walked in with two cups of tea, placing them both on the coffee table to cool.

Zayn smiled a thank you as his brown eyes watched the girl sit down next to him. He let out a giggle as she reached over and pulled off his glasses before cleaning them without him even asking, before she leaned over and pushed them gently back onto his nose. The two friends smiled at each other, before the television was switched on, the volume soft and calming in the room.


Liam Payne’s hand slowly brushed into the top of his hair as a long, ragged sigh left his lips. He had been studying the same English essay for three hours, and was fed up to his limit. He would have gotten it done earlier if it wasn’t for his younger brother laid around the bottom of his office chair. His brain tried to scan for a deeper meaning behind Shakespeare’s characters, while his baby brother kept asking what were in Liam’s mind, moronic questions.

“How big is the highest mountain in the world?” Niall questioned once more, and Liam had to stop himself from pushing his head into his wooden desk.

“Niall, I do not have time for this.” Liam grunted, before putting pen to paper again as an idea struck him. It was a tough essay but he had to do it, he needed the grades. He ignored his brother’s foot repeatedly nudging against his knee as a form of attention seeking and continued to write his paragraph. Of course, his sudden inspiration was soon interrupted.

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