Chapter 2 - Guardians and Dreams

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Milluki quickly sat up, huffing and puffing as if she had just ran a marathon. Her hair was drenched in sweat and the look of pure fear was shown on Milluki's face.
Milluki took a few moments to calm her breathing down and take a good look at her surroundings.

She was in a soft bed, and the bed was in a dull and boring looking room with a door and a window which had the bright lights of dawn beaming through the small gaps that the curtains could not cover.

There was a small knock at the door which cause Milluki to jump slightly.

"Hello, may I come in?"asked a gruff yet calm voice.

Milluki was quiet for a bit before she said in a quiet voice,


Milluki's fear took over and she quickly pulled the blankets of the bed over her head and slightly trembled.

The door to the room opened and the footsteps of four people entered the room.

Milluki squeezed her eyes shut tightly as someone gently took the sheets off from Milluki's body. Milluki slowly opened her eyes to meet big black eyes and a pearly white smile, 

"What's your name?"questioned the creepy man enthusiastically.

Milluki quickly sat up in fright and began slowly crawling backwards,  grabbing pillows and other objects and throwing them at the man before her back was firm against the backboard of the bed.

One of the objects, which was a book that was once located on the beside table, decisively struck the man in the forehead with a lot of force causing him the fall backwards and onto the ground.

This caused the people who were standing beside the door to slightly chuckle.

Milluki looked at the other people with wide eyes,  there were four of them.

There was a tall man, with brown eyes, olive skin, short black spiky hair, and a beard. His clothing consisted of the standard Konoha ninja uniform with the sleeves rolled up half way, flak jacket, regular shinobi sandals and forehead protector. He also wore a sash that had the kanji for "Fire" (火) marked on it around his waist, a pair of black bangles, and bandages wrapped around the arms of his sleeves.

Then there was a fair-skinned woman of slender build. She has long black untamed hair reaching her upper back, and very unique eyes that are red in colour, with an additional ring in them. She wears make-up consisting of red lipstick and purple eye shadow. Her regular outfit consists of a red mesh armour blouse with only the right sleeve visible. Overall, this is very broad material which resembles bandages with a pattern on it similar to those of rose thorns. Her hands and upper thighs are also wrapped in bandages and she wears the Konoha forehead protector and regular shinobi sandals.

Beside her stood the familiar White haired Anbu, except he wore the standard Konoha Ninja uniform and a mask which covered everything on his face but his left eye.

Then there was and old man his skin is lighter, his hair is grey, his face is gaunter, and he has the wrinkles and liver spots of old age. He initially had a single line running vertically under the outer corners of each eye, which stretched down into his face as he aged until they reached his cheeks. He also wore white robes,  familiar to the Mizukage of Kirigakure except his attire consisted of white and red instead of white and blue.

What they all had in common,  besides the old man, was a forehead protector.

But unlike the shinobi in Kirigakure, these people had a different symbol on the metal plate.

'There's five people. I couldn't hear the steps of that white haired man... Odd'

The lady among the group of men took a few steps forward,  before sitting herself on the edge of the bed. She turned to Milluki and smiled before saying,

Odd OneМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя