Chapter I

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Author's Note: A lot of my novels are inspired by songs I have heard. Being so into music, I use my love for music to help me push a long and create my stories. This novel specifically is based on the song 1000x by Jarryd James. I will add a youtube link to the song. Please enjoy. Please comment. Please message me directly and let me know how you like my novel. 

"You're so beautiful, Charlie."

"I wish I could be with you right now."

"Patience, sweetheart ;) The good things in life come with time. You know that."

"Too bad the good things in life didn't come easy."

"It'll be worth it. Just wait."

"Ugh, there's just something about you. I've known you for six years, Seth. Six years. I've never met you. I've never touched you. I've never even heard your voice before. Yet I'm..."

"You're what?"


"You ready to go, babe?" I looked over my shoulder. In the doorway, my boyfriend of three years stood, leaning against the door's frame. He stood there in all his athlete glory. He's a football player on our college's football team. Sometimes I couldn't believe how lucky I was. You know, to have one of the most wanted guys at school. However, that is both a blessing and a curse all at once. That's the problem, everyone wants him. As much as he's convinced me I'm the only one he wants, I have my doubts a lot of the time.

I locked my phone quickly, shoving it into the back pocket of my jeans. "Yeah let's go," I stood and grabbed my bag off the desk where I was sitting. "Bye Lace," I smiled at my roommate as I walked passed her. Lacey was my roommate since freshmen year. I came to this school with no intention of knowing anybody. I wanted a fresh start. I moved out of state to get away from toxic parents. My grandmother was putting me through school, she was the only person in my family I really trusted. I talked to my sister sometimes, but she wanted nothing to do with my parents either, so she packed up and left the second she could.

As I was saying before, Lacey instantly became my best friend and has been for the past three years I've been in college. "See ya," She shined her pearly whites at me, looking up from her biology text book. She wanted to be a pediatric nurse. Which is why we got along so well, I'm sure. We both want to work with kids. Whereas I just wanted to be a teacher, she wanted to be a child's nurse.

"Where are we going?" I asked, linking arms with my boyfriend.

Grinning, he sighed and laid his hand upon mine. "Well, you'll just have to wait and see." He opened up the door to his fancy BMW and I got in, but not without thanking him with a sweet kiss upon his lips.

"Brandon, you know I'm not one for surprises," I laughed as he got settled behind the wheel of the car I'm sure he loved more than me.

"Oh I know, babe," he laughed, starting up the car. "That a girl," he rubbed his steering wheel as the car roared to life.

I rolled my eyes. Men and their cars. I'll never understand. Although Seth, he has a love for motorcycles which was much more attractive than just a regular car. Fancy or not. My phone vibrated in my purse, so I pulled it out and checked to see what was causing the vibration. It was a message with Seth. I sighed and cleared the notification, without even giving myself a chance to read it.

A part of me felt guilty for even continuing the relationship I have with Seth when I'm in a very nice relationship with Brandon. I loved Seth; I think I loved him more than I've loved anybody, even Brandon. I mean, I've known him for six years, and I haven't met him. I haven't even heard his voice. That is a whole new level of love. But he knows all my secrets. He knows every last thing about me. From my middle name, to every dark secret I've ever kept from the world and everyone else I know.

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