my opinion on God

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Not all of these "my opinions" will be about God.

Im gonna start off by saying im not gonna pick the side of believing inGod or not believing in God. Its just my opinion on some stuff in the bible and about God that i know from my school days.

I went to a Catholic school and i picked up a few things about God on the way through the years, as u would u know. The reason ive written this is cause i think some people take the bible way to literally and they come off as, i dont wanna say stupid but yes they do come off as that.

But any way lets just get this over with.

At number one we have what the bible says about gays or homosexual people. In the bible it says many things about being gay and theyre all bad, me myself im not gay but i do believe in gay marriage rights. Now i have never got why in the bloody hell anyone would care if someone else was gay or not. I just dont get it, like how does that guy/girl over their affect or effect i dont know i could never figure that out but anyway how does that guy being gay effect you in any way at all. Seriously wtf how does him/her being gay some how give u 3rd degree burns or something.

Because if so please tell me, no dont tell me tell them if it is actually giving you 3rd degree burns we need to stop this people are actually getting hurt. But if not then just shut up its not effecting you, now yes you could argue that "but what about the children" but not really if your child wants to be gay let them.

But anyway to people who think being gay is a sin, guess what youre wrong and heres why youre wrong.
Cause God didnt right the bible people did, and guess who those people were. They were ancient Lebanese and yes Jesus was Lebanese where did you think Jerusalem was (Quick side note that means Jesus wasnt white he had darker skin, you got a religious statue picture where his white, thats racism for ya). But anyway because they were from ancient Lebanon they were basically forced to write that (not physically forced) because if they didnt say that guess what would of happened, they wouldve been executed.

Even today its illegal to be gay in Lebanon. So of course they wrote that it was bad but in the truth its really not.

Coming in at number 2 we have punishment from God, now wait just a second so 1 minute you say God is all loving, all forgiving and wouldnt hurt a fly. And the next you say that if you disobey God in the slightest why you burn in hell for all eternity, bloody hell which one is it i just cant keep up.

Hiting the number 3 spot we have science vs God, know this is one i dont get at all on 1 hand you have scientists saying no there is no God the big bang created the universe. Wait wait wait i thought you science nerds said to creat an explosion there needs to be so sort of particular, chemical or something to make it go bang. Scientist 1: well yes that is true what r u getting at. me: what im getting at is if there was nothing no particulars, no chemicals or nothing to course the explosion, how in the bloody hell did an explosion go off i think we're bustered this one.

And on the other hand you got the churchies saying God created the universe. Now honestly if we bustered the science one i dont about this onen But hey you churchies havent won yet.

Taking the tital of spot number 4 we have bullshit bible stories now i dont even know where to start on this one but i guess we'll start from the beginning. With adam and eve this story is overall bullshit but i know that the bible isnt all literal in its texts. But some people dont this is just a metaphorical story, science has already disproven this evolution is the true becoming of humans.

Now im not take the side of science or God ill just keep a neutral position and any way dont the churchies say God made everything so that would include science. So their is no sides its the same side so its not science vs God its science and God as 1 side. Look at it this way churchies say God made everything, science nerds say science is about proving things and how they happen but science doesnt say how science got there itself. So im starting to think God made science, God is science is that what this is leading to.

Of course there are more bullshit bible stories but lets not go into them but when going through bibal stories use some common sense and scientific fact to figure out which are true, some what true and false.

Fitting in at number 5 we have is God a he or a she now with this one i dont think God is either isnt God just some spiritual being. Now sure God took on the from of Jesus but remember ancient Lebanon if it was a woman they would have been executed for even publicly speeking so it had to be a man too spread the word.

And i think that pretty much ends this rant if i have more ideas or remember some stuff about God i'll post an extras for this but i think ill turn this "my opinion" thing in to a series but not about God and religious with all sorts of stuff like political shit. Stuff that happened in history anything i wanna voice my opinion about.

If you enjoyed or agreed with any of my opinions that would be a miracle but can vote on the story, follow me or message me that be great or you could do none of those things it doesnt bother me just saying.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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